Which Highness?

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The more Feng Yu Heng fought, the more difficult it became. The number of people dressed in black seemed in increase the more they fought. Huang Quan saw that things were not going well. Pulling Feng Yu Heng, she retreated while defending: "Young miss, there is a river behind us. Let's go towards there."

"Ok." She did not dare speak too much. She did not dare waste any energy. With the help of Huang Quan pulling her along, they ran towards the river.

When a sword came cutting across, she would tilt her head based on the sound of the wind. Sometimes she would be a little slow and some hair would be cut off.

Vaguely hearing the sound of running water, she thought that they would not be too far from the river, but what could they do when they reached the river? She still hadn't told Huang Quan that she absolutely did not know how to swim!

In that momentary lapse of concentration, a person clothed in black rushed before her. Feng Yu Heng became infuriated and wildly used her strength. Pushing away Huang Quan's hand, she aimed straight for that person's carotid artery.

The person in black completely underestimated her. A girl that had just passed ten years of age, although it seemed that she had some skills, but her small and weak body made it seem like it had no lethal ability. Thus the enemy did not even bother to dodge what Feng Yu Heng did.

But people were often times considered careless. Feng Yu Heng truly was tired to the point of exhaustion; however, what the person in black did not consider was that she still held some silver needles in her hand. Most importantly, they were anesthetic needles that she had pulled from her space.

A few needles neatly entered the carotid artery, and that person suddenly ceased all movement, as though frozen in time. Even the sabre fell from their hands. Closing their eyes, they collapsed, dead.

Huang Quan was startled, thinking that something had happened to Feng Yu Heng. Turning her head, she saw Feng Yu Heng had taken care of one person and could not help but give a thumbs up: "Young miss is amazing!"

She gave a wry smile. The chances to exercise were few. It was not a guarantee that every enemy she faced would see her be so lucky. Moreover... it's so tiring! Her lungs were on the verge of exploding.

The two retreated all the way to the river. It was a very wide river with a slow and steady current. Feng Yu Heng remembered that she had passed by this river when returning to the capital from Xi Ping village. She did not think that when she returned again, it would be because she was hunted.

Huang Quan firmly grabbed her hand and repelled an enemy before loudly saying: "Young miss, jump in the river and escape first! I will cover the retreat!"

Feng Yu Heng really wanted to say "I don't know how to swim," but before she could say it, she saw a hoard of people in black suddenly change their battle tactics. They all retreated slightly and swapped their swords for bows. Their arrows were all dyed a dark green, clearly having been poisoned.

Feng Yu Heng's heart sank. She no longer cared if she knew how to swim or not. Pulling Huang Quan, she jumped with all her might. Splash, they jumped in to the river.

Huang Quan pulled Feng Yu Heng and quickly sank, in order to avoid those poisoned arrows that would pierce the surface of the water.

Feng Yu Heng did her best to keep her eyes open and watch the surface of the water. The green of the poison slowly spread in the water, but there were no blood red flowers that bloomed, which allowed her to relax a little.

Unfortunately, she had held her breath to the absolute limit. After gurgling a few times, her consciousness slowly became hazy.

Vaguely seeing Huang Quan hold her while swimming forward as fast as she could, she wanted to tell Huang Quan not to worry. Unfortunately, when she opened her mouth, the water from the river rushed in. Feng Yu Heng helplessly closed her eyes and finally lost consciousness...

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz