Something Happened at the Court

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Han shi giggled again, "Indeed, he went to court before the sun rose. Originally, he thought he would not be able to return until noon, but who knew he would return around this time."

An shi stood to the side and felt that remaining silent for much longer would not be good, "The Lord has gone to change his clothes. He heard that we have all come to pay respects to mother-in-law, so he told us to wait for him here. He will be coming over in a little while."

The matriarch furrowed her brows upon hearing this news, "I worry that something may have happened at court."

Chen yi sat back down in to her chair, her handkerchief shaking slightly in her hand. She downed half a cup of tea that the maidservant had brought before speaking, "Even if something has happened, it's none of us women's problems. My Lord will surely be coming to pay respects to mother-in-law."

There was nothing wrong with what was said. No matter how big a problem was at court, it had nothing to do with the women of the courtyard.

But the matriarch could vaguely feel that Feng Jin Yuan coming to Shu Ya courtyard would not be for something as simple as paying respects.

She turned her view towards Feng Yu Heng. In her heart, she felt it was around 70-80 percent likely the trouble was to do with that girl. Add on the sudden change in decision to allow them to remain at the manor. They would eventually need to explain this to everyone.

Not too long later, a freshly-changed Feng Jin Yuan entered.

He first paid his respects to the matriarch, then he took his seat next to Chen shi. A maidservant brought him a cup of tea, but he only took a small sip. As expected, his gaze fell upon Feng Yu Heng.

Feng Yu Heng suddenly became quite nervous. This nervousness was not caused by Feng Jin Yuan, but it was that she had guessed what the other would say. She was one hundred percent certain it would be about the ninth prince.

Although she learned that something had happened to him last night, she had not received any further updates to this news. This in addition to an early morning court gather meant something else may have happened.

She was faintly worried and began to struggle to find the source of this worry. She pondered it a little while, when suddenly, a thought popped in to her mind as she was worrying... That person wouldn't want to cancel the engagement right?

Now, Feng Jin Yuan began to speak: "It's good that A-Heng is already here. There is a matter that father will talk about, but A-Heng do not feel too sad."

Feng Yu Heng stared at Feng Jin Yuan, her gaze did not hide that she watched his mouth open and close. She was so visibly nervous that it even showed in her eyes.

But there was not a person who had any reaction to this. In fact, this was the expression a girl who had a fiance should have. Or, as everyone thought, this type of Feng Yu Heng was more normal. Only this conformed to their expectations.

Feng Jin Yuan was sick of being stared at and raised his hand. He finally began to speak about the matter at hand: "During this morning's court session, there was a petition among the officials to announce the crown prince, but it was rejected by the Emperor."

The matriarch sincerely asked: "Wasn't it said that the ninth prince would become crown prince after returning? The ninth prince returned yesterday, so why has the Emperor, not only remained passive, but has rejected the petition by the officials?"

"Ah!" Feng Jin Yuan let out a long sigh: "This matter, your son has also only just learned. Originally the ninth prince had repelled the enemy army and secured the land, but he himself suffered grave injuries."

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now