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Chen shi's death did not come across as odd to anyone in the Feng family. Her death-seeking methods were there for all to see. Feng Jin Yuan's attitude was also clear, but after the matter was resolved, he still sighed. He originally thought that she would make a resurgence upon returning from the temple. He did not, however, think that it was just a final spark before death.

Man Xi's words caused Chen Yu, who was holding a cup of tea and speaking with the matriarch, to immediately stand up. Not caring that the tea spilled on her dress, she appeared to have gone mad and ran out.

The matriarch became anxious, fearing that Chen Yu would become extremely sad then meet with some misfortune. She quickly yelled to everyone: "Why aren't you quickly following after her! Don't let Chen Yu run around randomly!"

Only then did everyone react and quickly rush towards Jin Yu courtyard.

Chen Yu, in the end, ran really fast. She arrived before Chen shi a step before everyone else. At a glance, she saw that her once fat and round mother now looked as though someone had removed a few layers of her flesh. Although her body did not appear wrinkled, it was also not as bloated as in previous times. The face was especially apparent. Her entire facial structure had collapsed. The bridge of her nose seemed to have been broken, while her cheeks appeared bruised. Her eyes remained open in a death stare, as her eyes bulged from the head, almost as though they were ready to fly out.

Chen shi's dead appearance was very scary. Her unwillingness to die showed plainly on her face.

But what of it?

Chen Yu staggered forward and dropped to her knees at Chen shi's bedside.

She felt some regret. Why had she been so cold when Chen shi had been locked away in Jin Yu courtyard. She didn't even go to take a look at her. This was her mother. She had given birth to her and raised her. How could she have become so disliked that she simply passed away on her own?

Chen Yu's tears fell one by one, as she suddenly felt a great resentment towards Feng Jin Yuan.

Trembling, she held Chen shi's cold hand. Chen Yu suddenly began crying loudly, casting aside the reserved and steady appearance she had maintained since she was young. She no longer cared for how she looked and began sobbing on Chen shi's corpse like a little child.

The people who had come in behind her could not help but sob. An shi raised her hand and wiped a tear, while Yao shi also gave a sigh. Both felt a bit of sympathy towards Chen Yu.

The matriarch was the last one to enter the room. She glanced around then turned and left, saying: "Send someone to wait at the court gates. Once court is adjourned for the day, have Jin Yuan return. Contact housekeeper He to prepare for the funeral."

The matriarch gave these orders and the people in the courtyard set to work.

After all, Chen shi was not very popular. Aside from Chen Yu, nobody felt sad as a result of her passing. In fact, everyone actually let out a sigh of relief. Chen shi had finally passed. The manor would finally enjoy some peace.

Yao shi, however, was not optimistic. She was someone from a large family, so she naturally understood that in a manor, the position of head wife could not be left open forever. Chen shi's passing simply meant the arrival of a new one. Whether it was someone distant or someone familiar, this was still unknown.

When Feng Jin Yuan left court and returned to the manor, the instant he entered the gates, Chen Yu rushed before him and collapsed on the ground: "Father!" Chen Yu's eyes became swollen from crying so much, and she could not be bothered with worrying if she was pretty or ugly. She was single-minded in her crying and begging: "Father, mother passed away. I beg father to allow brother to return to send mother off!"

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now