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STELLA'S POV (Ha, many people wanted to hear how she felt about this and how she reacted.)

                                      Its dark in here. It smells like shit and I feel like shit. I don't even know what happened, why am I in here? Maybe I was kidnapped? I wonder if the kidnapper has any nutella...
          Suddenly, I heard a giggle, but it was a familiar one. I snapped my head to the right, but still, I saw darkness.
              "Hello?" I called out. I'm acting like one of those girls from the horror movies, my God. The giggling ceases but I still hear some slip out.
                 "You never really did freak out, did you?" Lizzy's voice.
         "I mean, even with you being mated to an emmortal, your mother being an emmortal, your mother dieing, you never really did freak out. Why?" she giggled again. I shuddered as she asked me this. I know I should've been freaking out all those times when I found these things out but, it never occurred to me that I should freak out. Maybe it's because I'm a freak, I'm not normal. But, as far as I know, I'm human. Lizzy's here, wherever here exactly is.

                          "Lizzy, I am so sorry. It's all my fault. I should have never pressured you into going on that date." My voice broke a little. This isn't a good time to cry. We had to escape, orelse maybe we would die in this place. I heard a laugh this time.

                         "Oh silly little Stella, you are already dead." Her voice said in a teasing tone. What? I can't be dead, I still have to help Blake with the council. Plus, the mating bond, he could die without me.

                        "Don't you get it?" She asked, I could hear the smile in her voice. "Blake isn't your mate, you just fooled yourself into thinking that you loved eachother. He might have thought that you were his mate but, it was just a curse. Why do you think you two fell in love so quickly? Maybe in a week or so?" She asked as she let out a cruel chuckle.

                         "Because we're mates." I whispered to the darkness in a sad tone. She was toying with me, she had to be. Me and Blake loved eachother and were meant to be.

                         "Ha! Listen to your thoughts, they're absolutely phsychotic! This all isn't real. You're just fooling yourself like always." She giggled some more. Whats with her and giggling? This can't be Lizzy, she's different.

                       Suddenly the lights went on and I found myself staring straight into Lizzy's vibrant green eyes, her pale freckled face, and her red frizzy hair. Her scent lingered around that brought back memmories, a cherry scent. All those times we went to the lake, her sneaking me out of fat camp to get some donuts and nutella, us sneaking out late at night out of the window and running on our neighbors rooftops, us surviving middle school while I was called "fat freak" and she was called "freckle freak", us being as close as sisters, her always drooling over the one and only calvin morris for seven years until she finally got a date with him, me forcing her to go a little bit too early, and her funeral. She had caught him with another girl two hours before the date and ran out of his house. Her tears weren't helping her driving skills, so she crashed. The police found her dead with deep scratches and scrapes all over her body. Her corpse was too grusome for an open casket.

                         But in that dream, the nightmare, I had heard a car crashing and footsteps crunching slowley on something that sounded like glass, then a growl. My head hurt from all of the memmories and I was confused. It was probably my dreams and mind playing tricks on me. She shook her head, frizzy red curls bouncing from side to side.

                            "No, it wasn't a dream. You just couldn't accept the reality. For god sakes, you found a whole new dimenson and new creatures and you think that I was killed in a car crash?! You stupid naive girl! I survived, what killed me was him. Why do you think he was so curious about the name 'Lizzy' in your diary? Why do you think he went all the way to get that little cursed witch to spill all of your past secrets? It's because he did it!" I shook my head as she screamed at me. I felt her rage radiating off of her in powerful waves. Tears of denial threatened to spill. I know Blake. He wouldn't kill an innocent. He would never kill an innocent and I would believe it until the day I die. She let out a harsh laugh.

                           "Newsflash! Your already dead!" She screamed with a blood lust look in her eyes. This story didn't connect at all.

                         "Would you like me to clear it up? Blake is not your mate, theres no such thing as mates. Your delusional and love is fake and stupid. I learned that from one of my freinds named maddy. (You would get the connection if you read my other book 'Love Is Stupid' haha) Blake killed me and you are in denial. The only reason your not freaking out about this whole situation with dimensions and emmortals and shit is because, deep down in that stupid naive mind of yours, you already knew and expected this." She stated with an evil smirk. The tears were now flowing freely at how she was talking to me. It wasn't only that, I was crying because I remembered, everything. All the events happening with the council and finally me being dead. I shook my head 'no'.

                     "Yes Stella!" She laughed crawling closer to me. "You knew this would all happen, thats the only reason thats making you not freak out and flip shit. You already predicted that this was gonna happen." She smirked in triumph. By know the rocky cave walls were starting to get smaller and push themselves closer to me, making the room smaller. It was getting hot as I put my hands on the two rocky black cave walls that I was between, trying to close in on me. I hissed in pain as the walls started to get hot and make my skin boil beneath my hands. Lizzy was still crouching in front of me with that cruel glint in her eyes.

                   "Face it, you knew this was all gonna happen. I'm not trying to be horrible but, I can't lie. Settrinnos is a place for truth and the truth is, you're insane. You built all of this with you're mind. This is all just a figment of you're imagination. I'm not even real, you're just crazy!" She let out one last laugh as the walls caved in on me, making me black out.






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