Chapter 36

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I heard people approaching and turned to see two men walking over to us. One very tall with dark brown hair and the other being average height with sandy brown hair, both their eyes bright red. I felt Emmett hold me tighter as we watched them. "We won't be needing your services after all gentlemen" Edward said to them.

"Aro wants to speak with the both of you again" The tall one said. "No rules were broken" said Emmett as they stopped in front of us holding some sort of red fabric. "None the less, we should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue" The shorter one said with an English accent.

"Fine. Girls who don't you go enjoy the rest of festival" Edward said. "The girls will come with us" The taller one said and I felt my heartbeat quicken. "No. You can go to hell" Emmett snapped. I heard a shatter and turned to see Alice enter through the door she had broken the lock off of. "Come on guys. It's a festival. You wouldn't want to make a scene" Alice said.

"No we wouldn't" The tall one said and I saw another figure approach from behind the two men. "Enough" The girl said as she walked over to us. "Jane" Edward said as she stopped. "Aro sent me to see what was taking so long" She said as she looked at all of us before walking back down the hallway. Emmett grabbed my hand in his as we slowly began to walk.

"Just do as she says" Alice said lowly as we walked and I nodded as I moved closer to Emmett. The smaller man handed Emmett the robe and he let go of my hand as he slipped it on. He grabbed my hand in his once more as we entered a stairway. "Go ahead" The girl said as she stopped and we walked down the stairs.

"Don't be scared. I won't let them touch you" Emmett said as he looked at me and I nodded. We entered an elevator that was playing some Italian opera. Jane pressed the button before the doors closed. After a few moments the elevator stopped and the doors opened again. We stepped out and followed the girl.

A woman who was sat at a desk stood up and greeted us. "Buon pomeriggio (Good afternoon)" She said with a smile and I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "Is she?..." I trailed and Emmett nodded. "She wants to be one of us" Emmett said. "And she will be" The tall man said from behind me. "For dessert" The girl said nonchalantly.

We approached some doors and the girl pulled them open before we entered to see 3 men seated. "Sister, send you out to get 2 and you bring back 3 and a half. Such a clever girl" A man said to the girl as she walked over to him. "What a happy surprise!" The man in the middle said as he rose from his seat.

"Bella and Malory are alive after all! Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending" He said happily as he approached us. I wrapped my other arm that was holding Emmett's hand around his arm pulling myself closer to him. "They are so rare" He continued and I watched as he grabbed Edward's hand holding it in his. He spoke in Italian as he turned to Bella.

"Her blood appeals to you so much. It makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her" He asked. "It's not without difficulty" Edward replied. "Yes I can see that" The man said as he chuckled. "And you Emmett" said the man as he walked over to us grabbing Emmett's hand. "My goodness. Young love. It's so sweet.

"Aro can read every thought we've ever had with one touch. And now you know every thing. So get on with it" Edward said. "You are quite a soul reader yourself Edward. can't read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating. And what about young Malory?" Aro said as he looked to me. "I can, but there are times where it's almost as if she subconsciously feels me doing it and her thoughts become all blurry where I can't hear them anymore" Edward said and I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Really?" Aro questioned. "I would love to see if the both of you are exceptions to my gifts as well" Aro said as he took a few steps back . "Malory, would you do me the honour?" Aro said as he held his hand out in front of me. I hesitantly placed mine hand in his and watched as his eyes lit up. Aro's facial expression turned to confusion as he looked at me.

Emptiness // Emmett Cullenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن