Chapter 41

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The next night was Thursday. "Are you gonna go?" Emmett said as he walked me to my car after we studied at his house and I bit my bottom lip. "I think I will. I want answers. I need them. This might be the only time I get the chance to do this" I replied and he nodded. "Need me to come with you?" asked Emmett I shook my head.

"Nah. I think I should do this alone" I replied and he smiled. "I'm so proud of you babe" Emmett said and I smiled. I leaned up pressing my lips to his before pulling away. "I'll text you when I get back from the cafe" I said as I climbed into my car and Emmett nodded before I pulled out waving at him before driving off.

I anxiously bit my lip as I drove. I'm on my way to meet my father. The man who's been absent my entire life. The man who broke my moms heart. The man who abandoned us when we needed him most. After a few minutes of driving, I arrived in town and after 5 more minutes I pulled up out the front of the cafe. I took some deep breaths before stepping out of the car.

I locked it before I walked into the cafe and looked around to see a man sitting in the far corner of the cafe. He had light brown hair, a dark navy blue suit on with a tie and glasses on his phone, a cup of coffee sitting in front of him. He seemed to stand out the most from the other regulars from around town. That must be him...and if it's not then things are going to get real awkward.

I sucked in a breath before walking over. "Marcus?" I said and he looked up. "Malory? Is that you?!" He said as he stood up and I nodded. "My God! You're the spitting image of your mother" He said in shock and awe and I gave an awkward smile. "Please have a seat. Can I get you anything?" said Marcus and I shook my head.

"No thanks" I replied and he nodded. "I'm glad you came" He said after a few seconds of silence. "I was debating on whether or not I should've" I replied and he nodded once more. "How are you?" He said and I squinted my eyes at him. "You haven't seen me in over 18 years and all you have to say is how are you?" I said.

"You're right. This is just so surreal. I never thought I'd ever get the chance to meet you. I spent the last few years trying to get in contact with Grace but I was sorry to hear she passed away. I asked my lawyer if he happened to know where you wound up after she passed and he said here in Forks. I was so happy he found you" Marcus explained.

"Why did you leave?" I questioned and he sighed as he removed his glasses. "When I met your mom, I was in the prime of my career in football. I was the quarterback and your mom was a cheerleader. We were a cliche. When she got pregnant, I was in my senior year and college's were reaching out offering me scholarships. I tried to stick around but I couldn't give up a once in a lifetime scholarship. And...I was scared. I didn't know how to be a father. I wasn't ready. I was only 18" Marcus said and my look hardened as I stared at him.

"And my mom was only 16. She never asked to get pregnant. She never asked to have to drop everything to have a baby. She needed you. I needed you and you just left like a coward" I spat. "Malory you don't understand. I loved you mother! Grace was my first love! But we were just kids. Having a baby put a huge pressure on our relationship. We weren't ready to be parents. We had only been together for a year. We were always arguing. It wasn't healthy. I thought I was doing you both a favour by leaving. It would be a more healthy environment" said Marcus and I sighed.

"Are you really trying to make excuses? If you loved her so much then you wouldn't have left but you did! You didn't even come back and visit me once! Not even a simple birthday card! You abandoned her and you abandoned me! You ran off, lived your dream, became successful and forgot about us" I said angrily.

"You're right and I'm sorry. But I never forgot about you. I thought about you and your mom every day. There were some days I felt so guilty it made me sick" Marcus replied. "Then why didn't you come back?" I said and he sighed. "When I was at College I met Laurie, my wife. It was like a fresh start. I only came clean to her about you a year into our marriage. I had built this new life and I didn't want to lose it. I was selfish" said Marcus.

"On the day you were born, when I took you in my arms, I held you close to me and I never wanted to let you go" Marcus said as he fished out his wallet and pulled out a photo handing it to me. It was a picture of a younger him holding me in his arms on the day I was born. "I've carried this with me for 18 years. I never forgot you Malory" He said and I blinked away the tears.

I looked past the photo and saw another one. "Are these" I said and he pulled the photo out. "Yep. We have Luca, our oldest, Caleb, our middle child and Carrie, our little girl. When she was born she looked a lot like you" Marcus said as he showed me the photo. "Your replacement kids" I said as I handed the photo back to him. "Malory, I understand you're mad at me and you have every right to be, I just hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me for not being there" Marcus said and I scoffed.

"By the time I was a year old, my mom worked 2 jobs. One at a supermarket during the day and a restaurant at night. She was only 17, with a 1 year old and no help because by that age, her mom and stepdad had passed away in a car accident. By the time she was 18, she had her own apartment and worked tirelessly to make sure the bills were paid on time, that her rent was always in on time, that she had gas in her car to get me to the doctors appointments or the hospital incase of an emergency, to make sure we had food in our stomachs! There were some weeks where she didn't have enough money and so she would go without food to make sure I ate. Up until I was age 10, she worked 2 to 3 jobs at a time so that I could have everything I needed. Childcare, clothes, school, a home. By the time I was 13, for the first time, she had a good paying full time job and for the first time, we were stable. She didn't have to worry about not having enough money to pay the bills. And you wanna know the most amazing part? She did all that without your help. She never gave up on me! She never abandoned me! She was always there for everything! Through the good times and the bad times. She was always there even on her death bed! I was her main concern. I didn't need you then Marcus. And I certainly don't need you now" I snapped before getting up and stalking out of the cafe.

I furiously climbed into my car and sped home. Within a few minutes I arrive and climbed out of my car before entering the house. I stalked up to my bedroom and slammed the door before falling onto my bed. After a few hours of lying on my bed, I heard a knock come from downstairs. I heard the door open and Danielle greet the person.

After a few minutes I heard the front door close and footsteps walk up the stairs in the direction of my room. I heard a soft knock on the door and replied with a "Come in". I rolled over and saw Danielle standing at my door with a yellow envelope in her hands. "This came for you" She said as she walked over handing it to me.

"Who from?" I said as I sat up. "Your father" She replied softly and I sucked in a sharp breath before she left. I ripped open the package and gasped as a few stacks of money fell from it along with a folded piece of paper. I grasped the piece of paper and opened it before beginning to read what it had to say.


You have every right to be mad at me and even to hate me. I don't blame you. I should've been there for you and Grace but like you said, I was a coward. I understand that you don't want a relationship with me but I hope this in a way helps you. In this envelope is $10,000. You may do whatever you please with it. Save it, use it for college, spend it on clothes or shoes whatever you want, it's yours. It may seem I am trying to buy your love or your forgiveness but this is not my intention. I screwed up years ago when I left, this money is what I owe you for not being there when I should've. I'm sorry.

- Marcus.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now