Chapter 78

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"Alice!" Aro said excitedly as they walked. Alice and Jasper passed us, looking at everyone as they did before making to the Volturi. They were instantly grabbed by guards stopping them from going any further. "My dear, dear Alice, we're so glad to see you here after all" Aro said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

"I have evidence the children won't be a risk to our kind. Let me show you" Alice said as she held out her hand for Aro. "Brother?" Caius asked before Aro motioned for Alice to come forward. Dimitri let go of her before slapping Jasper across the face. Alice approached Aro and placed her hand in his.

"It doesn't matter what I show you. Even when you see, you still won't change your decision!" Alice seethed as she snatched her hand away before turning and looking at us. "Now!" She mouthed to Bella and I. I turned to Avery and Embry and my daughter looked at me, worry in her eyes. "I love you so much" I quickly said to her.

"Protect my daughter and take care of her" I said to Embry who nodded before running off into the woods with Jake and Renesmee. I watched them disappear into the woods before turning back to the Volturi, Emmett grabbing my hand. Alice turned and kicked Aro in the face sending him flying through the air.

He landed on the ground feet away and Alice tried to run only to be grabbed by guards. We all stepped forward as Aro watched us. "Take her away" He said and my eyes widened. "LET HER GO!" Carlisle yelled before running forward. Guards ran towards him but he effortlessly fought them off before leaping into the air.

Aro leapt into the air as well the two of them meeting in the middle before they both landed. Carlisle's body fell limp and my eyes fell on Aro who was holding Carlisle's head. I gasped in shock as my eyes widened. Esme let out a scream of pain as everyone on our side stood in shock and horror.

Caius let his body on fire and Edward growled before we all charged forwards, Emmett and I running side by side. The Volturi ran towards us and Edward leapt into the air before punching one of them. I tackled a girl to the floor and instantly ripped off her head. A man charged at me and I kicked him in the face knocking him to the ground before ripping his head off.

Someone knocked me to the ground before pulling me up by my hair and grabbing my chin. I threw them off and the girl stood up. I kicked her in the stomach before punching her in the face. She punched me back before going to swing again. I grabbed her arm and ripped it off causing her to let out a scream of pain.

I kicked her to the ground before grabbing her head ripping it off silencing her. I looked around and saw Jane walking around before setting her eyes on Jasper. I stood up and glared at her using my power against her. She gasped and looked up, her eyes landing on me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone running towards me and grunted as Alec tackled me to the ground.

I quickly stood up and he grabbed my arms. I head butted him before kicking him away from me and I heard Alice let out a scream. I looked and saw Jaspers head now separated from his body. Alec punched me in the face knocking me to the ground and kicked me in the stomach. Before Alec could do anything he was tackled to the ground by Emmett.

Emmett shoved Alec's head into the snow with his foot holding him there before ripping his body from his head throwing it away effortlessly like it was a piece of trash. He helped me up before running off me doing the same. A Volturi member ran at me heading straight for me neck. I flipped him over me and ripped his arms off before ripping off his head.

A few feet away I saw Seth kill a Volturi member before looking up at Jane who was standing in front of him. Seth was thrown to the ground crying in pain and before I could do anything, Felix came behind him crushing him. He dropped to the ground and let out a pant before his eyes rolled to the back of his head. "SETH!" I screamed as Leah let out a howl.

I charged at Felix and he instantly threw me off. As I landed on the ground, I instantly stood back up running at him again. I ducked as he swung at me running behind him and grabbing his arm as I did ripping it completely off. He yelled out in pain and I kicked his legs out from under him sending him to the ground on his back.

I stood over him making sure to pin his one arm down before ripping his head completely off throwing it in front of Jane. A look of shock crossed her face as she looked at me and I glared at her. As the fight continued three Volturi members pinned me down. Two of them held my arms as the third tried ripping my head off and I screamed out as I tried my best to fight them off.

There was a sudden shake in the earth and I looked to see Benjamin had punched a massive crack. As it split I took the opportunity to get the guards off me. I pulled my left arm free and kicked the guy into the gaping crack in the earth before grabbing the throat of the guy holding my right arm and threw him in as well.

The guy who held my neck tried swinging at me and I ducked before pushing him into the hole as well. I saw Esme struggling as a Volturi member had a hold of her and gasped before running over. I kicked him repeatedly in the face before he let go falling to his death into the lava. I helped Esme out before turning and seeing a bunch of guards fighting Emmett.

Rage filled me as I ran towards them and tackled a woman to the ground before instantly ripping  her head off. A man tried grabbing me but I flipped him through the air. Emmett and I stood back to back. He turned and picked me up before I swung my leg kicking two guys heads off. I looked around and saw Bella and Edward fighting Aro before Bella completely ripped his head off.

I gave a small gasp as Alice's vision stopped and looked around to see everyone still here in tact. "Now you know. That's your future. Unless you decide on another course" Alice said. "We cannot alter our course, the children still pose a grave threat" Caius said. "But what if you were sure they would remain concealed from the human world? Could we leave in peace?" Edward asked.

"Of course but that cannot be known" Caius replied back. "Actually it can" Edward said and I heard someone else walking towards us. I heard a strange heart beat like Avery's and turned to see two people dressed in traditional clothing approaching the Volturi. "I've been searching for witnesses of my own among the Ticuna tribes of Brazil" Alice said.

"We have enough witnesses!""Let him speak brother" Aro snapped silencing Caius. "I am half human, half vampire. Like the children. A vampire seduced my mother who died giving birth to me. My aunt Huilen raised me as her own. I made her immortal" The man spoke. "How old are you?" I asked as Emmett and I stepped forward.

"150 years" He replied and I felt a sense of relief as I turned to Avery who smiled. "At what age did you reach maturity?" Aro asked. "I began full grown 7 years after my birth. I have not changed since then" The man replied. "And your diet?" Aro questioned. "Blood, human food. I can survive on either" He said.

"These children are much like us" Marcus stated. "Regardless, the Cullen's have been consorting with werewolves. Our natural enemies" Caius said. Aro turned placing his hand on Caius' shoulder before turning back to us. "Dear ones, there is no danger here. We will not" Aro said as he faced the Volturi.

They all turned beginning to leave and I felt overjoyed. Aro turned looking at us once more. "Such a prize" He whispered before disappearing into the woods. "We have them on the run now is the time to attack!" Vladimir said as he walked to Carlisle. "Not today" Carlisle said before walking away from the two of them.

"You're all fools!" Stefan exclaimed as he looked at everyone. "The Volturi might be gone but they will never forgive what happened here!" He snapped. Everyone ignored the two and they disappeared into the woods. I smiled and turned to Emmett who dipped me like he did on our wedding and I giggled before pressing my lips to his. We pulled away and he stood me back up.

Avery jumped off of Embry and ran over to us. Emmett picked her up and she wrapped her arms around the both of us. "Did we win?" She asked and Emmett chuckled as he nodded. "We won princess" He said and she laughed before hugging us tighter.

Emptiness // Emmett CullenWhere stories live. Discover now