Chapter 77

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We all walked into the clearing, our footsteps crunching in the snow as we did. We came to a stop looking around waiting for something to happen. Emmett, Avery and I were stood beside Bella, Edward and Renesmee. Avery stood in between Emmett and I clinging to our hands. I looked to Emmett and he gave me a small smile.

I looked into the distance and heard the Volturi approaching. I felt Avery's heart quicken and gave her hand a small squeeze of reassurance. I felt a sense of shock as I saw how big the Volturi was as they descended from the between the trees. "Aro's looking for Alice" Edward said. I heard a howling in the distance and the wolves scent filled my nose.

After a few seconds Embry stood beside me as Jake stood beside Bella, Renesmee and Edward. The Volturi came to a stop metres in front of us before they all threw off their hoods. Carlisle walked forward from his spot beside Esme. "Aro, let us discuss things as we use to. In a civilised manner" He said calmly.

"Fair words Carlisle, but a little out of place given the battalion you've assembled against us" Aro replied. "I can promise you, that was never my intent. No laws have been broken" Carlisle stated. "We see the children! Do not treat us as fools!" Caius spat and I instantly put my arm in front of Avery protectively.

"They are not immortal! These witnesses can attest to that or you can look. You can see the flush of human blood in their cheeks" Carlisle said as he motioned to the girls. "Artifice!" Caius snapped. "I will collect every facet of the truth. From people more central to the story" said Aro, silencing his brother.

"Edward, Emmett, as the children cling to your newborn mates. I assume the both of you are involved" Aro said as he held out his hand and I looked to Emmett. He walked forward with Edward and they made it to Aro. I closed my eyes and pictured Jane and Alec in my head before looking at them, knowing I was weakening their powers incase they wanted to try anything.

Avery walked over and stood between Embry and I. Aro first took Edwards hand before grabbing Emmetts after a few moments. "I'd like to meet them" Aro said and Emmett turned towards me. I looked down at Avery before Embry, Avery and I walked forward with Bella, Renesmee and Jake. My glare hardened as we made it to Aro.

"Ahh Bella and Malory. Immortality becomes you" Aro said as he looked to Bella and I. Aro let out a laugh as he pointed to Avery and Renesmee. "I hear their strange hearts" He said. I looked down at Avery and gave her a reassuring smile before turning back to Aro. Renesmee walked up first as Aro held out his hand.

"Hello Aro" Renesmee said softly before placing her hand on his cheek. His eyes clouded over for a moment before they went back to normal. "And you mio caro (my dear)" Aro said as he turned to Avery. She walked forward and looked down at his hand before looking into his eyes. The clouded over once more before returning back to norm.

"Magnifico" Aro muttered as he stared at the girls in amazement. "Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by these newborns, while they were still human" Aro said as he turned to the Volturi before turning back to us. "Impossible" Caius said in disbelief. "You think they fooled me brother?" Aro said as he faced him.

I pulled Avery back to me and we headed back to our family. "Bring the informant forward" Caius said and Irina walked forward. "Are these the children you saw?" Caius said as he pointed to us and we stopped. "I-I'm not sure" Irina stammered. "Jane-""They've changed! These children are bigger" said Irina.

"Then your allegations were false" Caius stated. "I take full responsibility for my mistake" Irina said before turning to us. "I'm sorry" She whispered. A torch was lit as the guards approached Irina. "Caius no!" Edward exclaimed. "Avery look away!" I said before shielding her with my arms as the guards ripped Irina's arms off before her head.

"Irina!" Tanya screamed before she and Kate ran forward. Everyone sprang into action trying to restrain the sisters from attacking. Eleazar and Emmett restrained Tanya whilst Garett grabbed Kate. "Malory stop her!" Edward said and I looked at Kate weakening her power to non existence, Garett's cries of pain stopping. "Blind them" Edward said as he turned to Zafrina.

"Give my sight back!" Tanya snapped. "Tanya, this is what they want. If you attack now we'll all die" Edward whispered as I placed Avery on top of Embry. Emmett and Eleazar let her go cautiously as Zafrina stopped. I stopped using my power on Kate and she relaxed. Emmett walked over standing beside me.

As Edward walked forward, he suddenly fell to the ground letting out cries of pain and I instantly snapped my head to Jane. I glared at her and Edward's cries stopped. Jane looked around in shock until her eyes fell on my and I smirked. A transparent glow fell across us and Jane glared at Bella and I. She went to charge forward when Alec stopped her.

Alec opened his hands, black smoke coming out and I turned to him too. The smoke suddenly disappeared and he looked at his hands in shock before looking to me also. "Aro, you see there is no law broken here" Carlisle spoke. "Agreed. But does it then follow that there is no danger?" Aro said as he walked forward.

"For the first time in our history, humans pose a threat to our kind. Their modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative. In such perilous times, only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable. And we know nothing of what these children will become. Can we live with such uncertainty? Spare ourselves a fight today, only to die tomorrow" said Aro and I glared at him in disgust.

Foot steps on the snow grabbed my attention and Aro gasped.

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