Trilla Suduri (Second Sister) x Male!Jedi!Reader - It's not too late (Fluff)

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(GIF: ; December 16th 2019)

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[Warning: may contain spoiler]
[Plot holes included]

"I wonder, why would you provoke me coming for you?"
A familiar voice resounded behind me, leading me to turn around.

"Because I won't give up on you, Trilla."
I said, leading her to giggle bitterly in hopelessness.
"It's too late, (Y/N)."

I turned around this time, seeing her standing relatively far away from me.

It was noon on Zeffo, the sun was setting already. Trilla didn't have her helmet on to my surprise.

"I wish I would have known what was happening to you and that I would have found you and saved you back then."
"You're always talking about what you would have done, but nothing has been done. You're bothering me with it. It's over. Everything is over."

Trilla turned around to walk away, leading me to smile to myself.
"Are you intending to leave me behind without a fight? Without trying to kill one of the few young jedis maybe alive?"

She stopped and turned around slowly. As she turned her head to face me, her shoulder long hair swung back and forth slightly.
Her eyes reflected the setting sun behind me, resembling sparkling eyes for a brief moment.

"Maybe not everything is over."
I added, walking a few steps ahead before stopping again.

She approached me step by step, looking at me with a rather soft expression.

When she stood in front of me, she studied me, looking down before looking up at my face again.
"Then let's end everything, now shall we?"

Immediately after ending her sentence, she draw her lightsaber and ignited it.

I just managed to ignite mine in time, blocking her attack.

We pressed each other's lightsabers against each other, looking into each other's eyes.

I blocked all her attacks, not trying to attack her to hurt her intentionally.

We split, facing each other while standing a little bit further away.

"I don't want to do this, Trilla."
I told her, looking at her with seriousness.
"We don't have another choice."

We kept fighting in silence, only hearing our lightsabers moving and clashing against each other.

She was too focused on attacking me aggressively but I felt that she was making sure that I wouldn't get hurt.

I took advantage of her concentration on something else, turning off her lightsaber.

She widened her eyes in shock as she lost her balance, falling forward into my arms.

I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her into a tight embrace.
I turned off my my lightsaber, putting it away to wrap my other arm around her as well.

Trilla started to push against me, trying to get out of my embrace, but I only tightened my grip around her.

She mumbled, slight anger but sadness in her voice.
"Hush now."
I answered, placing my head on top of hers.

Her body slowly started to lose tension. She let me hug her without her resisting it.

When she really wanted to kill me, she could easily ignite her lightsaber again, but she chose not to.

I loosened my grip on her so I could look down into her beautiful green and blue eyes.

"My moon.."
I muttered, placing my hand on her cheek to caress it.

"Why.. (Y/N).."
She whispered before slowly falling down on her knees with me.

"I know it's a lonely and frightening place, being familiar with the dark side of the force and the Galactic Empire."
I spoke, holding her head while it was resting on my chest.
"I really wish I would have known where you were back then.. but you know I didn't know and that no one could tell me at that time."

"She left me.. then, she broke and told them where I was.. I was so scared.. I didn't have a choice.."
Trilla stated, starting to breathe in and out more frequently.

"Hej, hej.. now everything is fine.. I'm here, I'm with you. I'm here to save you."
I said, trying to reassure her.

"As soon as Cere told me what happened to you, I was very mad at her. I was trembling in rage and shock, as well as in worry. I never gave up hope on you, and as soon as I knew that you were alive, an inquisitor for the Galactic Empire, I swore to go get you."
I explained to her, rubbing down on her back to calm her.

"What happened to your master? You survived.. you made it, unlike me.."
"Trilla, my moon, my wisdom, my calm, my storm, my love. It was not your fault, you did the best you could do. Don't blame yourself for that. It could have been very different, it could have been worse."

Trilla was silent, snuggling up to me slightly.

"Master Enedo died while protecting me.. a lot of masters died while defending their padawans. Jusz like master Tapal died for Cal, the red haired boy who's accompanying us."
I added, leading her to nod in understanding.

"You.. forgave Cere.."
"Heeej, Trilla. I will never forget what she has done to you, but please, talk to her yourself. All I can say is that she tried to save you, but she failed and she really regrets it."

I noticed Trilla looking at me, leading me to look down at her to meet her gaze.

"You stubborn yet soft lady, right?"
I said, leading her to giggle.
"I remember that day.. it was the first time we met."
She said, looking at me in nostalgia.

"Nothing changed from back then. You're still stubborn and soft, my lady."
I said, leading her to smile while playfully hitting me on my chest.

We looked at the sky where the sun nearly set already. Some stars were already seen more clearly in the sky.

Trilla and I sat on the floor in silence, enjoying each other's company.

"Hej, (Y/N). I hope you're still alive."
Cere's Voice resounded over my headset, leading me to realise how much time has passed already.

I spoke up, ignoring Cere.

Trilla turned to face me, tilting her head to the side slightly. I rose up to my feet while she kept sitting on the floor.

"Will you join me?"
I asked, stretching out my hand for her to accept.

She stated at the floor in silence before looking at my hand, placing hers gently on it.

"Yes.. I will join you."
She said with a little bit of hope in her voice.

I started to smile brightly, pulling her up on her feet and embracing her very tightly. I spun around with her in circles before letting her down on the floor again.

"You.. you endured so much pain and injustice. You're strong, Tril, you really are."
I spoke up, leading her to smile slightly.

Both of us made our way to the Mantis, walking in pleasant silence.

Finally, we were together again.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order ◈ x Reader | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now