Chapter 30

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A/N: Triple update. Be sure to go back and read Chapters 28 and 29 first.

Ray POV:

Ray spent the next day debating on whether or not she should reach out to Hoseok. She missed talking to him, but she didn't want to seem like a bother to him either. New Year's Eve was spent working at the restaurant and listening to their broadcasted performance on the television in the restaurant kitchen. Hoseok had looked so handsome, Ray wanted to cry but there was sadness in his eyes that she was not accustomed to seeing.

The guys performed three of their newest songs and Ray had never been prouder. Jimin had texted her right after the performance, asking her if she had seen them. Ray sent him a quick yes during her break, telling him the performance was amazing before shutting her phone off and heading back to work.

Ray was originally supposed to get off at 10, but the other waitress had called in sick, which they all knew was code for wanting to spend New Year's with her boyfriend so Ray filled in. It's not like I have anywhere to go anyway Ray thought to herself. She had originally planned on spending New Year's Eve with Hoseok after their performance was complete, but since they hadn't spoken since Christmas Eve, Ray knew those plans were no longer happening.

By 1:00 AM, the restaurant had cleared out and Ray was dead on her feet. She had come in at 3 and 10 hours later, she was exhausted. Min-Jun offered to give her a ride and Ray gratefully accepted. They shared stories on the short trip of drunken partygoers and Ray felt a lot better by the end of the ride.

After saying a quick goodbye to Min-Jun, Ray entered her apartment. She dropped her purse on the floor and collapsed on the couch, too tired to even get up and shower. She sat there for a few moments then finally forced herself to get up. She started the shower in her bathroom when she heard the doorbell ring. She looked down at the clock on her bedside table in shock at the time. Who the hell would be ringing her doorbell at 1:30 AM?

Ray shut off the shower and headed to the door. She looked out the peephole and smiled when she saw a familiar pair of doe eyes on the other side, a black bucket hat covering his hair. Ray yanked open the door and Jungkook came into the apartment, quickly shutting the door behind him.

"Where have you been?" Jungkook asked, worry etched across his features.

Ray looked surprise at his reaction. "I had to work. I just got home a few minutes ago," she explained.

Jungkook took off his hat and ran a hand through his disheveled hair. "The last time anyone talked to you was just after 9 when you responded to Jiminie. We haven't heard from you since. You haven't responded to texts or anything," he said.

Ray gave him a quick hug then pulled away. "I'm sorry JK. One of the waitresses called off so my boss asked me to stay," she said.

Jungkook sat down on her sofa, shrugging off his coat, making himself comfortable. "What are you doing?" Ray asked.

Jungkook shrugged. "Well I didn't want you to spend New Year's by yourself," he said simply.

Ray shook her head. "I appreciate that but wont you get in trouble," she asked. Jungkook shook his head. "Okay. Give me a half hour. I need to take a shower really quick."

Jungkook waved a hand in her direction. "Go ahead. I'll pick out a movie to watch," he said.

Ray gave him a smile then headed into her bathroom, turning the shower back on. She closed the bathroom door then stripped out of her clothes. She washed her hair and body quickly finishing her shower in record time. She stepped out of the shower, wrapping herself in a towel then dressed in an oversized hoodie and black yoga pants. She dried her the best she could before dropping her dirty clothes and towel in the hamper.

She stepped out of the bathroom, looking down at her phone, waiting for it to turn on. "JK, did you pick..." her voice trailed off, her phone dropping from her hand as she looked at the man now sitting on her couch in Jungkook's place. "What... what are you doing here?"

Hoseok POV:

Hoseok wasn't sure what reaction he was expecting when Ray came out of her bathroom, phone in her hand, damp curls falling around her shoulders. She looked beautiful just as she was, no makeup, dressed in comfortable clothes.

Hoseok stood up and hesitantly made his way towards her. "Baby, I'm so sorry. So sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't think about your feelings and how nervous you would be about meeting my parents," he said, reaching out for her hand.

Ray's eyes filled with tears. "I'm so sorry Hobi. I shouldn't have said the things I did. I was so nervous to meet your family. You were right. I was making excuses not to go," Ray said, looking down at their hands. "I was scared."

Hoseok's heart clenched at her words. His beautiful girlfriend was scared and instead of consoling her, he got angry and said horrible things to her. "No baby. Don't say sorry. You don't have anything to be sorry for," Hoseok replied, letting go of her hand and using his thumbs to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. "I love you and I hurt you."

Ray looked up at his words. "You still love me?" she asked, her face filled with shock and what looked like hope.

Hoseok gathered her in his arms. "Of course I still love you. So damn much. The last few days have been horrible for me," he said.

"Me too. I... I thought you hated me," Ray sobbed into his shirt, holding tightly to it with her fists.

Hoseok's heart broke in pieces. "No baby. I could never hate you. I love you way too much for that," he said, rubbing her back then pulling her even closer.

Ray held him tightly for a minute then pulled back. "What are you doing here? Where did JK go?" she asked.

Hoseok released her then led her over to the sofa, pulling her down next to him. "Jiminie and JK were tired of my sad behavior this week so they planned this. JK was here to make sure you were home. I was waiting in the car. When he texted me that you were in the shower, I came up and he went home," he explained.

Ray smiled at his words. "They planned all this?" she asked.

Hoseok nodded. "They knew how sad I was without you," he said, pulling her into a hug. "I've missed you so much."

Ray returned the hug. "I miss you too Hobi. I love you," she said.

Hoseok's broken heart started to piece itself back together at her words. "You mean it? You love me?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

"Yes Hobi. I love you. I love you so much," Ray said, before pressing her lips to his.

Hoseok was surprised at her action, but then pulled her close, returning the kiss. This moment, with this girl was right where he wanted to be.

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