Chapter 19

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Ray's POV:

The next afternoon, Ray was working at the restaurant. They hadn't been too busy and Ray was in the main dining room. Min-Jun was working with her this evening and asked her to get lunch the following day before work. Ray liked Min-Jun. He was a good friend and was easy to work with, so Ray agreed without hesitation.

About two hours into her shift, Ray was pulled into the private dining room. She smiled when she saw the BTS members sitting at their usual table. Hoseok gave her a bright smile as she approached.

"Hey guys," Ray said sweetly. "How's it going?"

Namjoon nodded and Jungkook spoke up. "It's going great. We've been working so hard lately that we are actually going to get a day off," he said, his voice filled with excitement.

Ray smiled at his childish enthusiasm. "That's great JK. I'm happy to hear that," she replied.

As Ray took their drink order, she noticed Hoseok staring at her. He sent her a wink and she could feel her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. She wasn't sure how much Hoseok had told the others.

"It's okay beautiful. They know about us," Hoseok said gently.

Ray's nervousness eased a bit and she smiled back at him.

"Why did you agree to date him and not me? Aren't I handsome too?" Jimin asked, a fake pout on his face.

Ray looked at him in surprise, but then broke into laughter at his expression. "You're too much for me. I wouldn't be able to handle you," she said simply.

Jimin looked surprised at her response but then started giggling himself. "Oh babe. You're probably right," he replied.

Ray left to fix their drinks. When she returned, she placed a drink in front of Hoseok. Before she could move, he stopped her with a hand to her wrist.

"Since I'm off tomorrow, can I take you out before work? We're going to be busy the next few weeks and I won't get to spend much time with you," Hoseok said.

Ray shook her head. "I would like to, but I already made plans to get lunch with Min-Jun."

Hoseok frowned at her. "Who's Min-Jun?" he demanded.

Ray tilted her head toward the kitchen in response. "My coworker," she said in way of explanation.

Hoseok's face flushed in anger. "That guy you went on a date with before?" he asked. Ray nodded. "Can't you cancel it? I don't get to spend enough time with you as it is."

Ray shook her head again. "Sorry Hobi. I can't cancel on him," she said. Ray could see that Hoseok was getting irritated but she wasn't going to devote all her time to him just because that was what he wanted. "I've got to take these orders to the kitchen." She turned away without another word.

Hoseok's POV:

Hoseok watched her leave, his fists clenching the fabric of his pants tightly. He could feel the anger building up in his chest. Seriously? He has one day to spend with her and she would rather go out with some other guy?

"Hobi, calm down," Jin said softly. "She's just getting lunch with a friend."

"I don't have much time to spend with her. Why can't she see him on another day? Or better yet, not at all?" he mumbled the last words.

Taehyung patted his shoulder. "Don't take it so bad. You act like she doesn't want to spend time with you. You knew this relationship would be hard," he said gently to his friend.

"Yeah, but I didn't think it would be hard because my girlfriend would rather spend time with some other guy than me," Hoseok said. "Is it worth it?" He stopped and turned when he heard a gasp behind him.

Ray was standing there with their tray of food, her face filled with hurt. Hoseok knew he messed up. She had heard the last words he had said. She had heard him questioning their new relationship, the one she had hesitated to even begin with him in the first place.

Ray's face cleared and blank expression took over. She brought their food over and placed it in front of them, making sure to avoid touching Hoseok. "Is there anything else I can get you at the moment?" she asked, a painfully polite smile on her face.

Hoseok reached out to her. "Ray, I'm...," Hoseok began.

Ray cut him off. "I'm at work. I don't want to talk about it right now," she said softly.

Hoseok nodded. "I understand. I'll call you later," he said, his eyes pleading her to understand.

Ray said nothing and turned away quickly. The guys didn't see her the rest of the night. A young handsome man took over their table. Hoseok recognized him as Min-Jun. When Hoseok asked about Ray, Min-Jun just shrugged.

"She wasn't feeling well, so Soobin let her go home," Min-Jun said. He left the table and brought back their check, wishing them a good rest of the evening.

As soon as he returned home, Hoseok called Ray. He wasn't expecting her to answer and was surprised when she did. When she answered the phone, Hoseok could immediately tell she had been crying.

"Oh sweetheart. I'm so sorry. I was jealous and acted like a fool," Hoseok said, his own eyes filling with tears.

Hoseok could hear the hesitation in her voice before she spoke. "Am I worth it Hobi? Is this worth it?" she asked softly.

"Ray, I'm in love with you. Of course you're worth it. I was just being stupid," Hoseok pleaded.

"I love you too Hobi," Ray said. "I'm sorry for getting so upset."

"Please don't apologize. It was my fault and I'm sorry. I love you and I promise you you're worth it," Hoseok said.

Hoseok could hear the smile return to her voice. "Okay Hobi. I forgive you," she said.

They spoke for another hour. They had survived their first argument. Hopefully all arguments would be solved as simply.

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