Chapter 3

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Several days later, Hoseok and the other members of the group entered the restaurant. They were ushered to their usual table and were surprised to see another group there. The guys recognized the members of GOT7 immediately.

Jungkook went over to the table to greet Yugyeom, one of his close friends. They spoke for a few minutes before Jungkook returned to the table.

Ray entered the room and headed straight to the guys' table. She had her usual polite smile in place. "Good evening and welcome. Can I get you started with a drink?" she asked in an almost bored tone.

Jimin once again tried to get a reaction out of her. "Hey babe. Still so formal? Are we not friends?" he asked, a smirk on his full lips.

Ray gave him a tight smile and turned to the rest of the group. "I'll return in a moment to take your order," she said.

"Jiminie," Jin scolded gently. "You need to stop teasing her."

"But hyung," Jimin whined, "I just want to get a real smile out of her." Jimin turned to Hoseok, but noticed that the older man wasn't paying attention. He had his eyes on Ray, who was stopped at the table with the GOT7 members.

Jimin immediately noticed what had caught Hoseok's attention. Instead of her usual bored smile, Ray's smile was genuine and there was a pretty flush on her cheeks. When Jackson addressed her, the flush deepened and she looked down shyly.

Hoseok's smile was tight as he watched Ray interact with the other group. When Youngjae said something to her, she giggled prettily, and then ducked her head as if embarrassed. Hoseok turned to notice the other members of BTS watching the interaction.

Jungkook's lips turned down in a pout. "Why doesn't she smile like that with us?" he asked.

Jin shrugged and patted the younger man on the shoulder. "I don't know Jungkookie," he said. Jin had been wondering the same thing.

"Maybe she knows them," Yoongi said gruffly.

Hoseok turned back to see her smile again but Ray was nowhere to be seen.

Ray POV:

Ray was standing in the kitchen loading GOT7's dishes onto a tray. She couldn't help but feel frustrated. It would figure that BTS would show up on the same day as the other group. Normally, BTS or GOT7 was her only table when they were present, but since they were both there, Soobin wanted her to take care of both.

Ray took the tray back out to the GOT7 table and set it on a stand. She passed out the plates to the members and blushed when BamBam commented on her memory.

Ray headed back to the BTS table. "Have you decided on what you would like to order?" she asked politely, looking down at her apron to pull out her pad. When she looked up, she was surprised at the hurt look Jungkook was giving her.

"Why don't you smile at us like that?" he asked, a slight pout on his pretty lips.

"I'm sorry," Ray said, "but I'm not sure I understand what you mean."

Namjoon spoke up. "Never mind," he replied shortly. "We're ready to order."

Ray was shocked at the tone of his voice. The leader had never been anything but polite to her. Now he sounded almost mad. Ray was confused at the change of personality.

Ray took their order and retreated back into the kitchen. She placed the order on the turnstile and went to check on the members of GOT7.

"How is everything?" she asked politely.

JB spoke up. "It's excellent. Can I ask what you're doing in Korea?"

Ray blushed at the unexpected question. "Um... I'm an exchange student from the US. I'm working on my degree in architectural engineering through Seoul National University."

"Wow," Mark said. "You're pretty and smart."

Ray's blushed deepened at the compliment. "Thank you," she replied sweetly. She looked down at the ground shyly.

"How long are you in Korea for?" Jackson asked.

"Another 9 months. I leave in June of next year. My program was for one year," Ray replied.

"You've been here 3 months? How have we never seen you before?" Jackson asked.

Ray smiled at him. "I'm sure it's because you're so busy with performing, practices, and music video shootings."

"You know who we are?" Youngjae asked. Ray nodded. "You're a fan? How come you don't act crazy like all the other fans?" Mark reached over and smacked the back of his head. "Ahhh hyung..." he blurted out.

Ray laughed at the silly behavior. "Well I figure you come here to eat in peace, so me going into crazy fangirl mode would defeat that purpose."

"Yeah I suppose you're right," Mark said thoughtfully. "Thank you for being respectful of our privacy. We'll make sure to come back and see you again."


"You're a fan? How come you don't act crazy like all the other fans?" came the question from the other side of the room.

Taehyung looked up in surprise. He turned his head to see Ray standing at the next table, a genuine smile on her face and her cheeks a pretty pink.

Hoseok turned when he heard Ray laugh out loud. Not once in 3 months had he ever heard her laugh. It was a bright pretty sound that made him want to listen to it every day.

Jimin huffed as he watched the interaction at the other table. "I guess it's just us she's not a fan of," he whined. "She sure seems to be enjoying them."

Jin was also watching Ray. It did seem as though she was having fun with the other group. "Ray's allowed to like other groups Jiminie. Plus, think of how nice it is that we can come in here without her acting like a crazy fan. If she was a fan, how do you think she would be?"

Jungkook looked over at her. "She's their fan hyung and she's not acting like a crazy fan. And plus, sometimes I would like it if she acted at least a little like a crazy fan."

Hoseok couldn't help but agree with the younger man.

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