Chapter 5

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A couple days later, Hoseok was sitting against the wall in the studio taking a break from dance practice. They had a concert in three weeks to kick off the tour for their new album and the practices were getting longer and longer.

Hoseok couldn't stop thinking about Ray. He couldn't help but feel irritated when he saw Mark touch her hand. She never showed that type of familiarity with them. Hoseok knew it was just his usual flirty demeanor, but he couldn't help the pang of jealousy he felt in his chest when Mark touched her.

Namjoon came and sat next to Hoseok, handing him a bottle of water. "Want to talk about it?" he asked.

Hoseok didn't pretend to not know what Namjoon was referring to. "I just don't get it, Joon. Why can't I stop thinking about her?" he asked.

Namjoon shook his head. "I don't really know, but I can guess. This is the first girl you've met since we debuted that isn't fascinated by you. She doesn't fawn over you and shriek when you talk to her. She treats you just like any other guy."

Hoseok thought for a minute. "Is that bad? That I want to be treated like any other guy?" he asked.

Namjoon shrugged. "Not bad, exactly. But you're not like any other guy. You're an idol," he said simply.

Hoseok's brow furrowed at that. "Yeah I know, but I like when she talks to me just as Hobi. Not as J-Hope, not as part of the most popular idol group," Hoseok explained.

"What do you want to do about it?" Namjoon asked.

Hoseok shrugged. "I don't know. What should I do?"

"Do you like her?" Namjoon questioned.

Hoseok thought about that for a minute. "I like what I've seen of her, but I don't know her enough to answer that question."

Namjoon looked at Hoseok for a minute, thinking about his answer. "Fair enough. Try and get to know her. It couldn't hurt," he said simply.

Hoseok thought about Namjoon's simple answer. It wasn't a bad idea and he had an idea of what to do.

Ray POV:

Ray entered the restaurant a few minutes late. She was tugging her apron on and apologizing to Soobin as she rushed into the kitchen.

"No big deal," Soobin said. "This is the first time in three months that you've been late."

Ray smiled at his easy demeanor and went to grab a pad and her favorite pen. She locked up her purse in her tiny locker and went back into the kitchen.

"Hey," Soobin said, handing her a small white envelope. "A guy came in earlier and dropped this off for you."

Ray looked at it questioningly. "Who?"

Soobin leaned in to make sure no one was listening. "One of the guys from BTS," he whispered.

Ray looked at the envelope in surprise, and then tucked it into the pocket of her apron. She would take a look at it later and see what it was.

Later that evening, Ray let herself into her apartment. Since neither GOT7 nor BTS showed up, Ray was in the main dining room. It was fairly busy so Ray was pretty tired. She pulled off her apron and unloaded her tips. She pulled out the white envelope, having forgot it was there. She looked at it for a moment before opening it up. It was a small white piece of paper with a short note and a number.

Hi Ray,

I would really like to spend some time getting to know you. Here's my number. Text me when you can.


Ray looked at the paper in confusion. Why would Hobi want to get to know her? He had millions of fans. What would he want to do with a simple waitress from Illinois? Ray felt a stab of disappointment that it wasn't Jackson who had wanted to talk to her, but Hobi was definitely nice. She looked at the clock seeing it was just after 9. She wondered if it would be too late to text him, but figured she would just so he knew she got the message.


Hi Hobi. I got your note.

9:08 PM



I'm so glad you decided to text me back.

I was worried that you wouldn't.

9:10 PM


Why wouldn't I?

9:11 PM


Maybe since you didn't seem interested in us at all.

9:15 PM


I have to be professional at work.

9:17 PM



I get it

9:19 PM

Why is it different with the GOT7 guys?

9:22 PM

Are you a fan of theirs?

9:24 PM



I am

9:26 PM


How come you're not our fan? 

9:27 PM


A friend showed me GOT7

9:28 PM


Oh, so it's not because you don't like us

9:30 PM


No not at all

9:31 PM


That's good to know J

9:32 PM

Ray continued to text Hobi for another half hour before she got too tired. He asked her questions about her program and about the degree she was working on. He told her about performing and a little about his family.

Ray was pleasantly surprised at the way she was able to talk to him so easily. He seemed like just a normal guy. She had to remind herself he was an idol with millions of fans.

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