Chapter 25

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Ray POV:

A short while later, Hoseok let Ray and himself into the dorms and Ray was attacked by a giant bunny. "Noona! You're here!" Jungkook yelled out, hugging her tightly and dragging her further into the room. "Oh you're so cuddly!"

Jimin and Taehyung heard the commotion at the door and came in. Jungkook had Ray wrapped tightly in his arms, snuggling into her sweater. "What are you doing JK?" Jimin asked.

"Oh Hyung! Her sweater is so soft. It feels like a blanket," Jungkook said, refusing to release his hold on her.

Jimin and Taehyung looked at their youngest member then each other. Ray had a bad feeling when they shrugged at the same time and pounced on her, wrapping her in a big hug.  Ray turned to Hoseok who had an amused look on his face. "Help me Hobi!" Ray barely squeezed out, since the maknae line had her squished in their embrace.

Hoseok shrugged and shook his head. "Sorry baby. It's your fault for wearing such a snuggly sweater. The babies have a weakness for anything cuddly," he said with a laugh.

Ray rolled her eyes and tried to escape from the tight hold they had on her, but it was no use. After a moment, Jin came into the room, holding a spatula in his hand. He smacked the three boys across the neck in quick fashion and they released their hold on Ray.

"Thanks Jin," Ray said gratefully, while Jungkook and Taehyung rubbed back of their necks and Jimin sent his hyung a glare.

Jin gave Ray a quick hug. "Since I'm still cooking, I'm going to resist the urge to cuddle you too. That sweater is really soft. I can kind of get what the maknaes were doing now."

Ray rolled her eyes. "Please don't. I'm still trying to catch my breath from the big bunny and his sidekicks," she pleaded.

Jin laughed as Jungkook cheered! "Ha hyungs! She called you my sidekicks," he exclaimed, pointing to his two older members.

Jimin and Taehyung looked like they were going to pounce again, but Hoseok came to her rescue. "Ok ok. Enough trying to attack my girl," he said with a smile. Hoseok gestured to the boxes he had insisted on carrying. "Thank goodness I had these," he said.

Jimin looked at the boxes, a look of surprised delight on his face. "You got us all presents?" he asked.

Ray nodded her head shyly. "Well I like to think of you guys as my friends now," she said hesitantly.

Jungkook wrapped her in another hug before Hoseok could stop him. "Is this the same girl that would barely talk to us a few months ago?"

Ray rolled her eyes at his words. "I can go back to that if you would prefer," she suggested.

Jungkook's eyes filled with horror and Jimin shook his head. "Please don't," Taehyung said, his hands folded in front of him like a child asking for an extra dessert.

Ray ruffled his hair and gave him a smile. "I'm just teasing you Tae," she said.

Taehyung covered his heart dramatically. "She called me Tae," he said. "Finally after all this time, I get a nickname. I wondered how many times I was going to have to take you out for coffee before you called me by a nickname."

Ray laughed at his dramatic behavior. "You guys are too much for me," she said with a smile.

Jimin and Taehyung offered to take the boxes in, while Jungkook bothered Ray about what she had picked out for him. Ray shook her head, refusing to answer the question.

Jimin came back into the room. "Do you like the present she picked out for you hyung?" he asked Hoseok.

Hoseok gave him a bright smile, holding up his wrist. "Yes I do," he said. "I love it."

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