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A/N: Posting the Epilogue in honor of our sweet Hobi's birthday!  Hope you enjoy it!

Ray POV:

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh," Ray repeated as she paced back and forth in the small room. "I can't believe this is happening. Are you sure he is still here?" She couldn't believe what was about to happen.

Ray's mom grabbed her anxious daughter by the shoulders, stopping her in her tracks. "Calm down munchkin," she demanded gently. "He's still here. I promise you. He's not going anywhere."

A soft knock on the door had both Ray and her mom turning. A familiar set of doe eyes and a mop of dark hair peeked around the door, followed by a shorter smaller silver hair man. "You decent Noona?" Jungkook asked, stepping into the room, followed by Jimin.

Ray nodded. "Do... do I look okay?" she asked, giving a small twirl.

Jungkook was speechless, but Jimin hurried to her side, taking her hands. "You look beautiful," he gushed out. "Hobi hyung is so nervous. He sent us here to make sure you didn't run away."

At his words, Ray took a deep breath, releasing the tension. It comforted her to know that Hoseok was just as anxious as she was to make sure the other hadn't changed their mind at the last minute. Ray smoothed down her dress, giving the guys a smile. "Thanks for coming to check on me," she replied, her voice suddenly calm and her hands steady.

Ray's mom snorted. "Don't let her fool you," she declared. "She was pacing back and forth right before you came in."

Jimin and Jungkook laughed at her statement. They had met Ray's mom the night before and instantly hit it off. Ray couldn't help but grin at the memory of her mom meeting Yoongi for the first time. The damn woman had blushed like a schoolgirl when Yoongi kissed her hand then preceded to stutter over her words. Hoseok and Ray had tears of laughter streaming down their faces at the way she fangirled and right in front of her husband too.

"Where's Emma?" Ray asked. Her sister was supposed to fly in the night before but her flight had been delayed so she didn't arrive until early that morning. She had missed meeting Hoseok's family and the rest of the members.

"Your dad went to pick her up," her mom explained. "She's already dressed and ready to go. She should be here any minute."

Ray let out a sigh of relief then turned at the knock on the door. Hoseok's sister, Dawon, opened the door, a bright smile on her face. Ray had met her three months prior when Dawon had flown with Hoseok to the US and had immediately clicked with the beautiful fashion designer. "Seokie sent me to check and make sure one of these two didn't run off with his girl," she stated with a laugh. "He needs you both back."

Jimin and Jungkook both stepped forward and kissed Ray's cheeks. "See you in a bit Noona," Jungkook said.

Jimin winked at her. "If you change your mind about Hobi hyung, I'm still available," he cooed, his voice sweet and a smug smile on his face.

Dawon smacked the back of his head and muttered something in Korean, causing the handsome man to send her a mocking glare and huff his way out of the room. Dawon rolled her eyes. "You going to have hands full with those two," she informed Ray. She moved to Ray's side, giving her a hug. "You look stunning."

Ray blushed at her words. "Thank you," she replied, her voice soft. Ray's mom grabbed a tissue and moved over to Ray.

"Hold still munchkin," she said. "Your mascara is smeared." She wiped the tissue under Ray's eyes, removing the offending smudge. "There. Perfect again."

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