Chapter 27

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Ray POV:

Ray left Hoseok in his room, shutting the door behind her. She could hear his sobs coming through the door. She wanted to turn back and go to him, but forced herself to walk away. She headed down the stairs and saw Jin coming out of the kitchen. He had a smile on his face but it dropped when he saw the tears on her face.

"Ray, sweetie, is everything okay?" Jin asked carefully, putting his hands on her shoulders and bending down to look into her eyes.

Ray shook her head, the tears still streaming down her cheeks. "I... uh... I need to get home," she said, her voice soft and unsure.

Jin gave her a quick hug then released her. "Come on," he said gently. "I'll take you."

"Can... can you say goodbye to the rest of the guys for me?" Ray asked, not wanting them to see her like this. "And please tell them thank you for everything."

Jin nodded. "Sure," he said quietly. He picked up his keys from a bowl on the table, slipped his shoes on then led Ray out of the house to a black car in the drive. Since it was dark, Jin didn't bring a mask. He opened the passenger door for Ray and waited until she was in before closing it then hurrying around to the driver's side.

During the ride back to Ray's apartment, the car was silent. Ray was not in the mood to talk. Jin stayed quiet, apparently sensing she didn't want to. He pulled up in front of her apartment. As Ray was about to unbuckle her seat belt, Jin stopped her with a gentle hand to her wrist. "Please think carefully before you make any decisions," he said softly. "And if you need me, I'm just a phone call away."

Ray patted his hand. "Thanks Jin, but right now I just need to be alone," she said quietly. Ray exited the car, giving Jin a soft goodbye and a small wave.

Ray headed into her quiet apartment. It was so different from just a few short hours ago. She slipped off her shoes, dropped her purse on the floor, and climbed into her bed, still wearing her dress pants and sweater. She hadn't the heart or energy to change into her pajamas. She thought about the horrible things she had said to Hoseok. She was afraid to meet his parents and that's why she refused. She thought about all the things they would hate about her. She was not Korean. She didn't speak the language. She was a poor college student. She lived in the US and was only here on an exchange program. She had convinced herself they would hate her before giving them a chance.

Ray's heart broke further at the look on Hoseok's face when she said she didn't want to meet them. She knew how important family was to him and she had just rejected his request for her to join them and share the holiday. It made her think of her own family and how she would have felt if Hoseok had done the same thing to her.

Ray laid her head on her pillow, clutching onto the heart that Hoseok had given her, sobbing into the soft material. As she moved her head, the scent of Hoseok's cologne that clung to her sweater filled her nose and caused her already broken heart to shatter further. She had just pushed away the man who loved her and she didn't know if there was anyway of fixing the situation. After sobbing until her throat felt raw, her head pounded and her eyes burned, Ray fell into a dreamless sleep, Hoseok on her mind and in her heart.

Hoseok POV:

Hoseok lay in his bed that night, thinking about the situation. The members had come to his room a few hours earlier asking what had happened with Ray. All they knew was that she was upset and Jin had driven her home. Hoseok had given them a short explanation and they were all shocked about the events that had taken place.

Taehyung had patted his shoulder and tried to reassure him. "Maybe she was just nervous about meeting your family. That's a big deal for anyone," he said.

Jungkook nodded. "I don't see Noona deliberately wanting to be rude like that," he said. "There's got to be something else."

Namjoon had stayed quiet throughout and Hoseok knew exactly what he was thinking without him having to say it. Namjoon had warned him against this relationship and Hoseok had refused to listen. Now look where it got him. No matter what, Hoseok would not regret it. The times he spent with Ray were some of the best times of his life. He would do it all over again if he had the choice.

After the others left, Jimin sat on the edge of Hoseok' bed, holding his friend's hand, trying to calm his restless heart and mind. Hoseok's heart was breaking and Jimin was obviously confused on what to do. "Have you tried texting her or calling her hyung?" Jimin asked carefully.

Hoseok shook his head. "I don't even know if I should. She doesn't think we're going to make it. All she could talk about was leaving Korea. Leaving me," he said, the last words coming out in a broken whisper.

Jimin climbed into the bed, pulling Hoseok close and stroking his hair as the older man sobbed into his chest, soaking his shirt through with his tears. Hoseok was thankful for his roommate, member, friend, and brother. Jimin was one of the more sensitive guys in the group and always knew how to provide the best amount of comfort. In a time like this, Jimin was exactly who he needed to be by his side.

As Jimin stroked his hair, Hoseok tried to think about what to do, but it just made his heart hurt worse. His mind ran through the things he had said to her. She was trying to tell him how she felt and he called it excuses. Hoseok felt sick thinking about the way he hurt her and the look of horror and devastation on her face at his harsh words.

Right now, all Hoseok had left was the fear. The fear that he lost her for good this time. The fear that she would never forgive him. The fear that he had pushed away the girl that he loved the most. The girl who filled his every waking thought. The girl he didn't think he could be without.

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