Chapter 6

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Hoseok woke up in a much better mood. He had spent the last three days texting Ray. She was funny and she made him laugh. He felt like he was getting to know her. The previous night, they had video chatted for over an hour. Jimin was still in the studio, so Hoseok lay on his bed and talked to Ray.

Hoseok had told her a little more about his family and how he had started getting hate from antis. He was surprised at the tears he had seen in her eyes. When he asked about them, she gave him a sweet answer. "I may not be a fan, but no one deserves to get hate. Especially someone as sweet and as handsome as you." After that comment, she made an excuse to hurry up and get off the phone.

Hoseok was touched at her response, but surprised that she had called him handsome. He wanted to text her, but he knew it was early. He decided to anyway. She probably didn't have her phone nearby.


Good morning Ray

5:32 AM


Do you realize what time it is? L

5:33 AM



I didn't think the phone would wake you

5:35 AM


Well I'm awake

What's up?

5:37 AM


Nothing really

Just wanted to tell you good morning and have a great day

5:38 AM


That's really sweet

But text me again this early in the morning, I will come to your house and strangle you

5:39 AM



So now you want to come to my house? ;)

Didn't realize we were that close


5:40 AM

Ray didn't respond to the text, so Hoseok assumed she had gone back to sleep. Even though it was super early in the morning, she had still managed to make him laugh.

Jimin came into their shared bedroom. "Jin hyung is making breakfast. You might want to hurry up and get ready," he said with a yawn. Jimin hadn't gotten home last night until after midnight.

Hoseok was a little worried about his friend. He wasn't eating great and he had spent a lot of time practicing. "Everything okay Jiminie?" he asked carefully.

Jimin shrugged his shoulders. "I'm alright, hyung. Just tired," he said.

Hoseok looked at him carefully. He could see the dark circles under Jimin's eyes. He would have to wait until Jimin was ready to talk. "I'm here if you need me, Jiminie," he said, putting a hand on the younger man's shoulder.

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