Chapter 2

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That evening after they returned from the restaurant, Hoseok was sitting on the edge of the bed in the room he shared with Jimin. Hoseok couldn't get the waitress out of his mind. She was pretty no doubt, but other than that, there was nothing spectacular about her. She was very professional, but always giving them that polite smile.

When she returned to the table with their drinks, she had directed a genuine smile at Jungkook and Hoseok couldn't take his eyes away from her face. Her eyes were the darkest shade of brown he had ever seen and she had a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her long hair was in it's usual braid, but today Hoseok noticed the little curl that had strayed and clung to the side of her face. Hoseok wanted to wrap his fingers around that curl to see if her hair was as soft as it looked.

Hoseok shook his head. He didn't have time to fantasize about a girl that barely knew who he was. It was refreshing that Ray didn't go into fangirl mode when she saw them, but he did wish she would at least show a little bit of interest.

Hoseok headed to the shower he shared with Taehyung. He started the shower, and then stripped down to his boxer briefs. He ran a hand down his abdomen. He had worked hard to keep his body in good shape. He had heard that he wasn't classically beautiful by Korean standards, but it still hurt sometimes. Ray refusing to acknowledge him just added to it.

Hoseok stepped into the shower and dunked his head under the water. As he lathered up his thick hair, his mind drifted back to Ray. He didn't know what had attracted him to the pretty waitress. He supposed he should take her lack of interest as a sign, but he just couldn't get his mind off of her.

Hoseok finished his shower and dried off, then pulled on a white shirt and a pair of joggers. After tossing his towel in the hamper, he headed back into the bedroom he shared with Jimin.

Jimin was sitting on the edge of his bed dabbing his sweaty face with a towel. After they had finished dinner, Jimin had gone back to the studio to practice. "Still thinking about the waitress?" Jimin asked, a smirk on his plump lips.

Hoseok rolled his dark eyes. "Why would I be thinking about her? he asked.

"Well," Jimin started, "you seemed just as bothered by her saying she didn't see the video as Jungkookie was."

Hoseok turned to Jimin in surprise. "What do you mean?" he questioned.

Jimin stood up and went to get clothes from their shared closet. "When Ray said she hadn't seen the video, you looked disappointed. Not many people would have noticed, but I've shared a room with you for the last two years, so I pick up on these things," Jimin explained.

"Eh... it's just that I felt bad for Jungkookie. He looked so disappointed," Hoseok said, trying to convince them both.

"Sure hyung," Jimin replied. "Whatever you say."

Ray POV:

The next morning, Ray woke up to her phone ringing. She struggled to open her eyes against the bright sun coming in through the sheer curtains. She reached over the nightstand and picked up her phone. "Hello," she said groggily into the phone as she pressed the answer call button.

"Ray?" Soobin's voice yelled into the phone.

Ray pulled the phone away from her ear. "Not so loud Soobin. What's up?"

"Ara called off. Do you mind coming in?" Soobin asked frantically. Ara was one of the day waitresses. She took care of the morning and afternoon shift.

Ray nodded, and then remembered Soobin couldn't see her. "Yeah. Give me 30 minutes," she said.

Soobin let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks Ray. I owe you one," he said before disconnecting the call.

Ray took a quick shower, and then braided her long hair. She dressed quickly before applying mascara and lip-gloss. She didn't wear too much makeup to work, since she usually would sweat it off anyway.

As Ray hurried to work, she kept thinking about what happened the evening before. She still felt a little guilty about hurting Jungkook's feelings. He really was a cutie with those big doe eyes and cute bunny smile.

Ray arrived at the restaurant and put on her apron. She slipped a pad into her pocket, then dug through her purse for her favorite pen.

"Ray! Thank god you're here!" Soobin called. "Can you take care of table 22?"

Ray nodded her head, and then headed into the private room. She half expected BTS to be seated at the table since they were the only ones who used the room, but stopped short at the entrance to the room.

Seated at the table were the seven handsome members of GOT7, the idol band Ray was currently fawning over. Ray shook her head to clear her thoughts. Her bias, Jackson Wang, was sitting at the table, his handsome face lit up in a smile.

Ray walked up to the table. She took a deep breath. "Good afternoon and welcome. Can I get you anything to drink?" she said, her voice surprisingly steady.

Mark turned at her voice. "Hey pretty girl," he said, a smile on his handsome face. "Are you our waitress for this morning?"

Ray blushed, and then nodded politely. "Uh... yes I am," she stuttered out.

Mark smiled even brighter. "Excellent. Can we get a minute?"

Ray nodded again. "Of course. I'll be right back," she said, and then hurried off to the kitchen. She took a moment to collect her thoughts. Okay Ray, she said to herself. Keep it together. It's just another table. Don't act like a silly fangirl. Keep it professional.

Soobin walked up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You alright there kid?" he asked in a concerned voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just needed a minute to pull myself together," Ray said, a small smile on her face.

Soobin looked confused and then nodded. "Ahh gotcha. I forgot you have a teeny tiny crush on Jackson Wang," he said, laughing at her.

Ray's cheeks flushed. "I do not have a crush on Jackson Wang," she said. "I just... appreciate his music."

"And his looks," Soobin replied with a laugh.

Ray rolled her eyes and left the kitchen. She walked back up to the table, trying to put her polite smile back on her face. "Have you decided what you would like to order?" she asked politely.

Jinyoung smiled at her. "Yes we have," he said.

Ray managed to keep her polite voice in place as she took their orders. She returned to the table a few minutes later with their drinks. She almost dropped one when Yugyeom flashed a bright smile at her. Ray composed herself and finished delivering their drinks.

Ray was able to finish serving them with her usual cool demeanor, but she couldn't help the flush that brightened her cheeks whenever one of them addressed her.

Before they left, Jackson stopped next to her side as she began clearing their table. "Thank you for serving us. We will make sure to come back soon," he promised with a smile.

Ray politely thanked him before turning her face away from him to hide her pink cheeks. This was definitely an evening to remember.  

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