Chapter 12

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Ray POV:

Ray arrived at the restaurant a few days later to find a new waiter standing in the kitchen talking to Soobin. He seemed to be a year or two older than her. He was tall and had dark hair and the darkest eyes she had ever seen.

"Hey Ray," Soobin called. "Glad you're here. This is Lee Min-Jun. He's going to be starting here tonight."

Ray smiled and Min-Jun bowed in response. "Nice to meet you," he said in perfect English. Ray must have looked surprised. "I just came back from three years in the United States," he said.

"I didn't mean to look so shocked," Ray said, blushing. It's very nice to meet you as well."

"I want you to show Min-Jun the ropes tonight," Soobin said to Ray then turned to Min-Jun. "Ray is one of the best waitresses I have on staff. Going to be sad to lose her when she goes back to the US."

"How long are you here for?" Min-Jun asked.

"Another 7 ½ months," Ray replied. "I've been here 3 ½ for a an exchange program."

Over the course of the evening, Ray and Min-Jun got to know each other a little better. He told her about his time in the US and asked about her program with the university. Min-Jun asked for her number at the end of the evening and offered to show her some places around Seoul. Since they were both off the next evening, they made plans to go out to dinner. Min-Jun said he would take her to one of his favorite places.

That evening when Ray got home, she thought about Min-Jun. He was extremely polite and really handsome. She loved making new friends and it would be great to get to know him better.

After she took a shower to wash the smells of the restaurant off of her, she lay down in her bed and pulled her phone out of her purse. She had a couple messages from the guys and one from an unknown number.




How was work?

10:35 PM

Are you home yet?

10:48 PM

Missed call from Hobi

10:57 PM

Please text me when you get home

11:04 PM

Missed call from Hobi

11:19 PM


Hi Hobi

11:22 PM


Where were you?

I was worried

11:23 PM


I was talking to a new coworker

11:25 PM


A new coworker?

11:26 PM



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