Chapter 34

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Ray POV:

Having dinner with Hoseok and the rest of his members was amazing. They joked around throughout dinner, trying to make sure they included Ray in the conversation. She loved that about the guys; they never made her feel as though she shouldn't be there. That evening when Hoseok dropped her off, he kissed her gently, reminding her just how much he loved her.

Over the next few weeks, Ray and Hoseok's time together was limited. Ray was finishing up a huge engineering project for her class and Hoseok was busy working on his upcoming mixtape. They spent a lot of time texting and video chatting, but it still wasn't the same. Occasionally Hoseok would show up at her house close to midnight, exhausted but wanting to spend time with her. They would cuddle on the sofa, with Hoseok usually falling asleep in her lap while she stroked his silky hair. Even though they didn't talk much, these were some of Ray's favorite times. Just the simplicity of being together was enough for her.

Hoseok would apologize for not being able to take her out on dates, but Ray tried to reassure him. She wasn't lying when she said she loved their movie and takeout dates and the dinners at the dorm with the rest of the members. She didn't need fancy dinners to understand just how much he loved her.

In the middle of March, Ray received an email from Dr. Ballows, her advisor at her university in the US. He mentioned the end of the study abroad program was quickly coming to an end and it was time to start applying for her final program and project to complete her degree. He had sent her a list of possible options and Ray was going through the list she had printed one evening when Hoseok arrived. They had gotten lucky this week since he only had a photo shoot and some recording in the studio and Ray had the evening off. Ray had made spaghetti for them and they were going to just sit and cuddle after dinner.

Ray loaded up their plates and brought them to the table in front of the sofa then went into the kitchen for drinks and utensils, refusing Hoseok's offer for help. He had been working hard today and the last several days. She wanted to give him a rare chance to relax. She wanted to take care of him. When ray sat down and handed Hoseok his chopstick, he leaned over and gave her a soft kiss.

"I love you," Hoseok said, his voice gentle. "You're so good to me."

Ray smiled and returned the kiss then tickled his side. "We're good to each other," she replied simply. "Now eat. I know you've got to be starving since you don't each much during the day." She knew that when he got caught up in the studio he would forget to eat. She would sometimes text him, reminding him to take a break and eat a meal.

As they ate, Hoseok talked about the mixtape and the current progress, which he was happy with. Ray had ended up listening to all their music, shortly after Hoseok's love confession and she had to admit she did see why they had so many fans. Some of her favorites were off Hoseok's first mixtape, Hope World. She loved hearing a side of him that was so different than the songs he had with all the members or only the other rappers. He also mentioned the photo shoot and showed her a sneak peek of a picture that Jimin had taken on his phone.

Ray was shocked by how handsome they all looked and was especially shocked when she saw Jungkook. The boy had blond hair! Ray hadn't seen them all in a couple of weeks so she wasn't completely caught up on their latest hairstyles. "Wow! You all look so handsome," she exclaimed. "I can't believe JK has blond hair!"

Ray laughed when she saw Hoseok's scowl. "I love you Hobi. Just you. Always remember that," she said, running her fingers down his cheek.

Ray stood up, taking their empty plates into the kitchen. She quickly rinsed them and stuck them in the tiny dishwasher. When she came back into the kitchen, Hoseok had her program list in is hand.

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