Chapter 31

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Ray POV:

After Ray and Hoseok made up, their relationship became stronger than ever. They spent as much time together as possible. On Ray's days off, Hoseok would come to Ray's apartment after work. They would order takeout and cuddle on the couch. Hoseok asked Ray to make him some of her favorite meals from home, so occasionally Ray would cook recipes she learned from her mom.

On nights Ray worked, her and Hoseok would video chat when she got off. Most of the time their calls lasted until well past midnight. Ray would plead with Hoseok to get off the phone since she knew he would have to be up early the next morning. Hoseok would pout since he wanted to talk to her longer, but Ray would refuse to give in.

They spent their days texting each other. The other members would text Ray as well, but no one more than Jimin and Jungkook. Ray and Jin would challenge each other to games, while Taehyung would send funny pictures he took of the members while they weren't paying attention. Ray was touched by the closeness the other members shared with her. She knew how important they were to Hoseok and it could definitely be the deciding factor in their relationship.

February approached quickly and so did Hoseok's birthday. Ray knew their time was getting short, but she didn't want to bring it up and she knew Hoseok didn't either. Ray spent her time trying to think of how to help Hoseok celebrate his birthday. She would have loved to take him somewhere, but she knew how challenging it would be with ARMY. They had already been caught once before and that's the last thing she needed. Jin said he would make Hoseok's favorite foods and Ray was grateful for the offer.

A few days before Hoseok's birthday, Jimin offered to take her shopping again. They were wondering around the shops and Ray was having a hard time finding him something. "I don't know what to get him this time," Ray said to Jimin who was holding her hand, her voice filled with frustration

Jimin squeezed her hand. "You said that at Christmas and look at the great gift you found," he said.

"I got lucky with that one," Ray said, a pout on her face.

Jimin laughed then released her hand and swung an arm around her shoulders. "It's going to be okay," he said. "I promise you."

Ray and Jimin wandered around a little longer. Jimin purchased a couple hoodies and a bottle of cologne that Hoseok likes. They passed a store and Ray spotted a leather jacket in the window. "What about that?" she asked.

Jimin hugged her again. "See? I told you would find something. He would love that," Jimin said. "Even I would love that so if he doesn't want it, I'll take it."

Ray pinched his side, making him squeal out. "Fair enough," she replied. Jimin and Ray entered the store and Ray picked up the leather jacket. She looked at the price and her dropped a little. Thank goodness she had been saving all her tips for his birthday present. It was something else that made Ray nervous about her relationship with Hoseok. The guy was a millionaire. Would he really be okay with the kinds of things Ray could afford to do for him?

Ray shook her head to clear those thoughts. Hoseok wasn't like that. He wore the bracelet she got him everyday. She never saw him without it. It made her feel good to know that it was special to him. After paying for the jacket, Ray and Jimin left the shopping complex in good spirits. At least this worked out.

Hoseok POV:

Once again, Hoseok was left waiting while his girlfriend was out with Jimin. Sometimes the closeness between the two of them made him uneasy, but deep down he knew that neither of them would ever do anything to hurt him. Ray loved him and so did Jimin. But the worry was still there in the back of his mind.

Hoseok and the rest of the members were at the studio in the early afternoon while Jimin was out. Namjoon gave him the time off to help Ray since the rest of the members were finishing up a photo shoot and Jimin's individual photos were done. He would be coming with Ray to do the group shots. Hoseok had checked his watch again when Jimin came sauntering in, a big smile on his face. Hoseok looked behind him, but didn't see Ray.

Jimin caught his eye. "Ray went home. Her boss called and asked if she could work a couple hours this afternoon. They're short a waitress," he explained.

Hoseok's smile dropped. "What? We were supposed to spend some time together tonight," he said, his voice frustrated.

Jimin patted his shoulder. "No worries. She said she will be home by 6," Jimin said.

Hoseok looked at his phone, expecting to at least see a text, but there was nothing. He was a little aggravated that Jimin seemed to know more about his girlfriend right now than he did.

Jimin sighed when he saw Hoseok's face. "Ray was going to text you, but she didn't want to interrupt the photo shoot," he said gently. Jimin patted his shoulder then went over to his makeup artist to get ready for the group shot.

Namjoon came over when he saw Hoseok's irritated face. "Calm down Hoseok. Ray was being considerate by not texting you," he said. "She didn't do it to hurt you or make you upset. She understands how busy we are and respects that."

Hoseok thought Namjoon's words and nodded his head. Namjoon was right. He felt a little silly for thinking the worst of Ray when she had never given him a reason to feel that way.

Namjoon patted his arm. "When you get out of here, order a nice dinner and have it delivered. It will be a nice surprise for when she gets home. Then you can spend the evening together. We have to be here until 5 anyways, so it's not like you're losing that much time with her," Namjoon said reasonably.

Hoseok gave his leader a smile. "Thanks for this. I appreciate it," he said. "Let's get back to the shoot. I've got a surprise date with my girl to plan for."

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