Chapter 13

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Ray POV:

Ray woke up early the next morning in a good mood. She had a great time with Min-Jun the night before. He had taken her to a little restaurant and she had her first experience with Korean fried chicken. It was unlike anything she had ever had before and so good.

While they were sitting outside, Ray thought she heard someone call her name, but didn't see anyone she knew, so she brushed it off. She had told Min-Jun about her project. He had kindly offered to take her to Banpo Bridge that evening, but she explained that a friend had really wanted to take her.

When Min-Jun dropped her off at home, he walked her to her door and hugged her goodbye, letting her know he would see her the next evening at work.

Hoseok hadn't texted her all evening, so she was kind of worried about him. She knew he was busy, but he texted her every evening. Ray picked up her phone from the nightstand where it was charging and sent him a quick message.


Good morning Hobi

9:32 AM

I missed talking to you last night

9:33 AM



Was busy

9:35 AM



Well have a good day

9:36 AM

Ray was a little surprised. Hoseok was usually really cheerful, but he just seemed kind of short with her. She wondered what had kept him busy the night before. Ray thought it might be a girl and was surprised at the stab of jealousy that went through her chest.

It was the same over the next couple of days. Ray would text him good morning each day. He would give her a short response and she wouldn't hear from him for the rest of the day. She woke up one morning to a surprising text from Jungkook.


Good morning Noona

Did you and Hobi hyung get in a fight?

7:12 AM


Not that I know of


8:46 AM


He's been really strange the last few days

If someone mentions you

He gets mad

8:49 AM


He hasn't really talked to me either

8:52 AM


Do you like him?

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