Chapter 33

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Ray POV:

After Hoseok's admittance of his last relationship, Ray knew he needed the subtle reassurance that she loved him and only him. It was heartbreaking to see that a handsome, successful man such as Hoseok could be so apprehensive and vulnerable. When he picked her up for dinner the night of his birthday, Ray greeted him with a kiss and hug at the door.

"I'm not complaining, but what was that for?" Hoseok asked, a grin on his face.

Ray hugged him again, wrapping both arms around his neck. "I... I just missed you," she said, her voice soft.

"I missed you too baby," Hoseok replied, the happiness clear in his voice.

Ray snuggled him for a moment longer then pulled back a little. She gestured towards a large wrapped box on the sofa. "Do you want your present now? Or would you prefer to wait until we're with your members?" Ray questioned.

Hoseok winked at her and gave her an over exaggerated sexy smile. "Hmmm baby. I really don't think I want my members seeing my birthday present," he said, squeezing her side.

Ray blushed and smacked his arm. "You're terrible," she said, giving him an amused smile.

Hoseok pulled her close again. "Seriously either one is fine with me," he reassured her.

Ray tugged his hand and led him over to the sofa. "Then... then can you open it here?" she asked, her voice nervous. Jimin had assured Ray that Hoseok would love the present but it still made her nervous.

Hoseok sat next to Ray on the sofa and she handed him the box. With his normal exuberance, he tore off the paper, his eyes going wide at the name of the store on the box. He carefully lifted the lid, revealing the leather jacket. "Oh baby! I love it!" Hoseok exclaimed, pulling the jacket out of the box and setting the box aside. He stood quickly and stripped off his brown coat and slipped the jacket onto his arms, pulling it up around his shoulders.

Ray's mouth dropped in admiration. Hoseok was undoubtedly handsome in anything, but in black leather? He was downright dangerously hot.

Hoseok turned to Ray. "Like something you see baby?" he questioned, a smirk on his face.

Ray pulled herself out of her daydream. "It... it looks very nice," she said quickly. She picked up a smaller bag sitting on the floor and handed it to Hoseok. "This one is a little more silly. I had my mom send it to me from home."

Hoseok opened up the bag and let out a delighted laugh then lifted up the 6 pack of mini cans of Sprite. "So you did do a little research on me, huh?" he teased.

Ray shrugged her shoulders, neither confirming or denying his words. "I may have watched an interview or two," she admitted. "Just so you know... I make a really good spaghetti."

Hoseok set down the Sprite and pulled Ray to her feet, hugging her tight then pressing his lips to hers. "Thank you baby," he said against her ear. "I love them. I really do."

Ray let out a sigh of relief at his words. She hadn't realized just how nervous she actually was. It was so hard to shop for him since he had everything already. She did, however, catch the glint of silver on Hoseok's wrist when he pulled off his coat. When they were shopping, Jimin had confided that Hoseok never took the bracelet off, even when they didn't speak to each other for the week after Christmas. Hearing that was the confirmation Ray needed to know she was doing something right.

Hoseok POV:

Hoseok felt the obvious relief in his girlfriend's frame. He knew from Jimin that Ray had been so nervous about shopping for Hoseok. He didn't know how to make her understand that it didn't matter what she got him. The fact that she put so much thought into it is what mattered the most to him. He was touched that she cared enough about him to worry about it though.

Hoseok pulled back from her a little and kissed her cheek. "You ready to go for dinner? Jin's been cooking all day," he said, a smile on his face. "He's making all my favorites."

Ray nodded. "Sure. I'm always in the mood for Jin's cooking," she said. "Him and my mom would get along great. They would probably have a blast sharing recipes."

Hoseok's heart caught at the mention of Ray's mom. It might have just been an observation, but to Hoseok it helped to establish the permanence of him in her life. If she had been thinking about her family meeting him and his members then it was an indication that she was truly serious about him.

During the short drive to the dorm, Ray and Hoseok made small talk. Hoseok carried his presents from Ray since she had convinced him to change back into his coat, insisting the leather was not warm enough for the cold Seoul winter. He pouted at first but then finally agreed, knowing the weather would eventually break and he would get good use out of the thoughtful gift.

The driver pulled up in front of the dorm, stopping to allow Ray and Hoseok to exit the vehicle. Hoseok looked around and offered Ray a hand. Ray hesitated but Hoseok gave her a bright smile. "Please. There's no one here. Please. Let me hold my girlfriend's hand on my birthday," he pleaded.

Ray gave him a grin in return and extended her hand, stepping out of the vehicle. Hoseok laced their fingers together, tugging Ray close to his side.

They walked up to the dorm together, Hoseok letting them in. Similar to Christmas, Ray was attacked at the door by an overgrown bunny. "Noona!" Jungkook shouted. "You're finally here. It feels like we haven't seen you in so long."

Jimin stepped into the foyer, giving Jungkook a smug smile. "What do you mean? I saw her a couple of days ago," he said, sending Ray a wink.

Jungkook's bright smile turned down. "I think you need a new shopping partner," he pouted, crossing his arms.

"I volunteer!" Taehyung called from the other room.

"No fair hyung. I volunteered first," Jungkook argued, stomping his foot like a child.

Hoseok laughed as he watched the interactions between his members and Ray. When the guys hugged her, he had to stop himself from showing his irritation. He had to just continually reassure himself that Ray loved him and the others were just her friends.

Jin came in, giving Ray a quick hug. "You are in for a treat tonight my dear," he said. "Bulgogi and kimchi fried rice, Hobi's favorite foods."

Ray returned the hug. "Sounds good," she replied.

Hoseok took her hand and led her into the living room. Taehyung and Jungkook were seated on one end of the sofa, having a heated discussion about who was going to be Ray's new shopping partner. Yoongi was asleep on the other end of the sofa, the pillow Ray bought him for Christmas visible underneath his head. Namjoon was sweeping up a broken bowl, a sheepish smile on his face. Hoseok rolled his eyes in amusement. Namjoon's clumsiness was no secret. They didn't call him the God of Destruction for nothing.

Hoseok poked Yoongi in the side, hesitant to wake the grumpy rapper, but risking it anyway since Ray was close by to protect him. Yoongi opened his eyes, directing a glare to Hoseok, but his gaze softened when it landed on Ray. He grudgingly sat up and sent Hoseok a dark look. "The only reason I'm going to let you get away with that is because it's your birthday," he warned.

Jungkook spoke up from the other end of the couch. "Nuh uh Yoongi hyung. You just don't want Ray Noona to see your cranky side," he teased, staying close to Taehyung for safety.

Hoseok laughed at Jungkook's words, knowing they were probably true. Jimin plopped down on the other side of Ray, throwing an arm around her. "Hobi like the jacket?" he asked.

Hoseok nodded. "I loved it," he replied, not so subtly shoving Jimin's arm off Ray's shoulder.

Ray looked at Hoseok then snuggled closer to him, making his heart flutter and his irritation dissipate. He had to remember Ray loved him. Him and only him.

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