⚜ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 9 ⚜

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All of you continued to run as fast as all of you could running away from the death that was catching up to all of you from behind. 

"Just don't look back!!" You yell out as you all continued to push through the forest you could feel that hand around your wrist tighten up.

"Ahhhh!!!" Thoma screams after he did the opposite of what you said as he continued to run.

"Ray! What's that thing!? Is that in the book!?" Gilda yelled as she was continuing to run up ahead with the others.

"No there's nothing! This must be...a demon!!" Ray shouted back as he tightens his grip on your hand he was holding the two of you running along with Emma.

"A demon!?" Everyone yells out as it seems to echo all around.

The demon from behind came lunging behind the three of you as it opens its maw but the three of you quickly jump to the sides as it ended up biting into a tree. The loud crunching as the tree easily broke into pieces.

Your eyes widened when you got a good look at it but Ray tugs on to your arm as you look forwards and sprint forward again with the others.

"So that's a...Demon!?" Don yells out as he looks over his shoulder to look at the monster that was starting to chase all of you once again.

"Yes, I'm sure!" Emma yells but you could see the contemplating face she had on.

You knew, that hand, that face, that skin, you remember those very well. There was no mistaking it, the thing really looks like the ones you saw from before back at home at the gates except...

"Still! The monsters that I, Emma, and Norman saw walked upright like humans! They could even talk!"

"Yeah, the ones in my early memories were like that too!" Ray added

They didn't have tails and always wore those hideous horned masks and had clothes too. Does this mean there are actually different kinds? If it was then this means the demon that was chasing behind is only an animal on loose.

You were snap out of your thoughts when the demon suddenly launches its tongue towards your directions, which made you stumble on your steps.

"[Y/n]!!!" Ray yelled as he pulled you towards him on time and continued to run.

"Thanks!" You replied as Ray now grips on to your hand tightly. 

"Just hold on to me and don't ever let go" 

Ray didn't receive a response from you but the way your hand tightens on his was already enough for him as the two of you continued to run.

 "Uhm..so.. the demon came from the farm to catch us?!" Mark lets out as Nat who was running beside him shouted.

"NO! It's not from the farm! It wants to eat us all right here!"

"Exactly! This isn't them yet!" Emma yelled out as she continued on "If it was, it would treat us like merchandise, not attack us like that! They would never!"

"It's a different kind of demon, unrelated to the Grace Field Plantations!" Ray added as you followed by.

"In other words...this Demon is a Wild one"

Meaning if it catches us...

We'll be eaten


Ripped by those Fangs

Chewed by those Jaws

No...We're not food!

"Don!" You called out as he quickly replied. "I'm on it!"

「 Towards Neverland 」✧ ❘   49112  ❘  ✧【Ray x Reader】Where stories live. Discover now