⚜ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15 ⚜

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Love Blossoms

Under Warm



After eating and cleaning up, everyone headed to bed and were all sound asleep, mostly everyone that is, as you open your eyes and carefully got out of your blankets as quietly as possible to not wake up or disturb the others.

You then look up to find Emma and Ray as you lock stare with him, he then gave a nod towards the direction where you all ate earlier as he lets out "Let's go?"

Right by the fire, Sonju sat beside the burning flame drinking a cup of some unknown liquid as he calmly spoke up without turning to face the three of you.

"So you're still awake?"

Again the feeling of guilt came to you, letting out a sigh, you look at him as you quietly ask "Is it alright...if we talk?"

Turning his head to look at the three of you, Sonju set his cup down as he calmly replied "Can't see why not"

The three of you made your way towards him by the fire as you and Emma sat on the mats that were laid out, while Ray decided to just stand right behind you as he looks over at Sonju.

"You three were running around last night and didn't sleep properly, yes? You should stay put and rest until you recover, especially you, Egan, although the bleeding has stopped your head still needs some time to heal" Sonju advice as he motioned at your injury.

A look of surprise made its way to your face as you reach to touch your bandage head "Yes later we will rest well and heal up...also...if you don't mind me asking...why did you call me Egan?"

Sonju couldn't help but let out a huff of laughter, as an amusing grin made its way on his face. "That would be a secret of mine."

That being said, your curiosity became a bit restless as you wanted to ask but you shook your head in dismissal and focus on what you, Emma, and Ray really came here for. Emma who was also curious about the name Sonju had called you, put it aside and decided to speak up. 

"Thank you...and also...I'm sorry for having doubted you. Even though you two saved us from our pursuers, we just assumed all demons were eating humans...it didn't even cross our minds that some might be friendly...."

Hearing this, the guilt inside of you grew as you frown and look down at the ground as you spoke softly "I also want to apologize for my behavior, and thank you for taking us in your care"

Sonju glance at your directions as he slowly pours the liquid he had been cooking in the pot for a while into a cup, while he calmly stated "Don't worry, you two have good reason to be skeptical. Human meat is something of great value to demons. The brain above all"

At the mention of this, all three of you look at him and listened intently as Sonju continued to speak "Those like us are awfully few. Most Demons will drool at the sight of your flesh and crave to sink their teeth in it. You two do well to be cautious and assume they are all out to eat you"

As Sonju said this, a cold chill went down your spine as the image of the wild demon from before that chase you guys back in the forest flashes into your mind, how you almost lost Ray to the pursuers because of that thing.

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