⚜ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟣𝟣 ⚜

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Emma and everyone shouted as she held your unconscious body in her arms, Ray still hasn't come back yet, the fact that the pursuers might have been the cause made Emma frustrated trying to think of what to do.

But before she could think any further, a sudden rustling of leaves caught her and everyone else's attention as they quickly turn their head towards the direction of the sound. It was then a hooded figure slowly emerges from the trees.

Emma looks at her suspiciously, pulling your unconscious figure close to her. Who was this?

Should They be Relieved or....?

"This way" A small dainty voice from the hooded stranger came out as she stretches her arm to point in the direction.

"Here, come this way."

"A normal person...?" Alicia lets out as she looks at the hooded figure followed by Mark.

"She's a girl...?"

Don had a look of disbelief on his face as he couldn't believe there were also humans here outside other than them. Was she on their side? Does that mean they were saved?

Emma continued to contemplate the situation as she looks down at you, she had to carefully think this true. 

"Follow Me" The hooded stranger called

"Wait!" Gilda lets out as she turns to look at Emma waiting for her instruction on what to do.

Emma felt your haggard breathing and your body burning, no doubt that your fever was getting higher and the reopening wound on your head weren't helping your state. But if she decided to come along with the hooded stranger there was a chance that they could be one of the pursuers.

Finally, she looks up to face her as she calmly but still on her guard "Who are you? What do you want? What are you doing in a place like this?"

"Show your face!" Gilda exclaims

All of them waited as silence fell upon everyone, Emma held you protectively in her arms as she and everyone stared at the hooded figure that stood in front of them.


Meanwhile, Ray continued to sprint ahead with the pursuers still chasing behind him and are getting closer in an alarming state.

More are even coming up, to the left, to the right, and behind him. In other words, he was completely surrounded

Not like what happened earlier, when that wild demon chases you all recklessly, these were different. The pursuers waste no movement and show signs of planning and they had the skill.

Even so, they didn't make any move to attack him, that was because he was premium quality as they say. They want to salvage tonight's shipment and for that to happen they have no choice but to capture Ray alive and intact.

Ray click his tongue as the realization came to him, jumping over a large roo he continued to push through. 

' The bastards are just trying to get me tired '

As soon as he loses this game they were playing, Ray knew he'll be snatch at the very instant. Looking up ahead, Ray analyzes the terrain up ahead, calculating what move he should do to shake the pursuers off of him.

「 Towards Neverland 」✧ ❘   49112  ❘  ✧【Ray x Reader】Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora