⚜ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5 ⚜

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 Is Closing In





From on top of the small cliff stood a demon looking down on where the large trees were, next to his sides were numerous demons that stood on all four of their legs, breathing heavily while letting out monstrous snarls.

"They're down. So we're too late" The Demon spoke as he stared at the giant forest.

"There's an entire colony of bloodsucker trees down there. I've heard that some wild lowly organisms have been roaming this area recently. Whatever happens, we absolutely mustn't allow those humans to be eaten by anything besides our kinds" The Demon's voice rumbles as the demons on all fours started to go down the cliff while releasing monstrous growls.

"Can you figure out which direction they went in?"

"Yes sir they are straight down to our southeast"


One of the two special books dedicated to the kids by Mr. Minerva, the one with the morse code that read PROMISE was the adventure log of Ugo.

A story of the main character  Ugo and his lemur friend Marvine and their adventures while traveling the world.

"This is it! I remember reading this with Emma about it in this book...the story of those snakes!" You said as you quickly flip page after page of the book trying to find the specific story.

"Ugh, we can't remember the details hold on..." Emma grumbles as the two of you started to quickly search the book.

Ray and Gilda look at the two of you confused while also panic as the tree roots were closing in by the passing second.

"Are you two talking...about The snakes of the Alvar Pinera?" Ray said as you and Emma perk up.

"That's it!!"

The deep-sea cave known as Alvar Pinera turned out to be the nest of terrifying Poisonous Snakes.

The countless snakes intertwined with each other as if they were tree roots, and as if they were a single organism. 

They surrounded all of us.

The Terror made the treasure by our feet all the more beautiful

Are these snakes protecting the treasure? Or did they simply use the treasure to bait us.?

From chapter 3 of the "Adventure of Ugo"

"It's similar right?!" You and Emma said after quickly showing Ray and Gilda the page of the story once you had found it.

"The cave...treasure...snakes...it's all talking about this tree!!" You said as you pointed at the closing tree roots.

"This book was truly meant to be a guidebook for us!" Emma smiled as you nodded your head as a hit of realization crosses on Ray's face but still was hesitant.

"Hold it [Y/n] and Emma. It's true that the story the two stories are similar but..." Ray trailed off as he looks at you, a determined look on your face.

"...Well I suppose it's possible. Let's give it a shot" Ray said as you and Emma smiled.

"Yeah!" You nodded your head.

"If the book really is a guide for us then the only way for this tree to attack us is..." Emma trails off as she then looks at you.

Nodding your head you quickly went to all the kids "Everybody back up a bit!"

Without a complain they quickly follow what you still terrified on what's happening. Ray quickly set his bag down and got out one mug as he then faces the roots that were closing in.

The Roots...They have no nose, or eyes. Which means...there must be a way, they use to locate their prey!!

Ray thought as he then threw the cup away as far as possible from where all of you were. It hit the roots hard as it shattered into pieces and the roots quickly darted towards th shattered object.

"Ahh!!" Don and the kids let out as they watch the root dart towards the broken cup.

The three of you had a grin as you, Ray and Emma finally found out the way how to avoid the tree roots.

"Alright it uses Touch!!" The three of you exclaimed.

It's not heat, sound or even vibrations of the ground.

These things can only find us if we touch the tip of it's root!

And these movements...everything makes sense if you think about it. How those animals got attacked and how we need to get out of here!

Ray thought as he look around to find an exit while also glancing at your direction just to make sure you were okay.

Damn...It's amazing how much of a difference a clear mind can make



Read the Enemy. 

That's what Ugo consistently did in the book.

 Watch, think and make yourself a way.

We don't know but we can learn.

This is the one good thing about us Humans

"[Y/n], Emma." Ray called as you two look at him.

"As the two of you said before, this thing... is probably the Snakes of Alvar Pinera right?" Ray said as you and Emma nodded your heads.

Then the three of your attention turns towards the others as Chris pointed towards the roots with a terrified and panic look.

"Hey, this is bad! Those roots are getting closer by the minute!" He yelled out

Damn it! There's no place for us to slip through! So this is how this thing had been catching it's prey!?!

Don's mind started to race as a look of terror was display on his face, his hand that was holding the lantern shook showing the signs of how terrified he was.

No animal can possibly escape! And once you get caught...we'll all get the life sucked out of us!!

Looking around everyone, you could see how all of them were al terrified as Jemima and Dominic cling to you tightly with tears at the corner of their eyes.

"Ray. Emma." You called out as the two look at you.

Emma smiles and gave a nod as Ray looks at you and turns towards the tree roots and responded.


You smiles as you then look at the two 5 year olds that were clinging to you and tried to calm them down.

"Shhh its going to be alright guys, don't worry." Glancing to your side you gave the two of them to Anna who was confuse but held the two of them.

"Watch over them for  minute okay?"

"Huh?" Anna let outs as you then walk towards Ray and Emma.

You were in between them as the three of you slowly walk towards the roots alerting everyone.

"Ray!? [Y/n]!? Emma!?"

They were all panicking but then it turn into shock as they all stare at the three of you standing right by the tree roots with your arms held out.

"See it's fine!" Emma said with a grin.

"It's alright guys!" You smile widely.

" You guys don't need to be afraid "


「 Guess whose finish with their exams and finally back guys!?

How have all of you've been while I was gone?? Hope you guys are doing well!

I apologize for the wait but good news I'll be back to updating again once again!! 

Also I'm going to make a Author's Notebook that is going to be publish in a few, which will contain some announcements and some information about me.

Why? Well cause I wanna get to know all of you and hopefully be friends if that's alright?

You guys can ask me questions if you want in the comments and I'll gladly be answering them in the Notebook. ^^

So that's all guys, I hope you enjoy the chapter and have a good day!! 」

「 Towards Neverland 」✧ ❘   49112  ❘  ✧【Ray x Reader】Where stories live. Discover now