⚜ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7⚜

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They've Survived

Next Up...

What Lurks in the Shadows?

Standing by the hole that all of you had finally climb out of, holding Alicia and Chris's hands the three of you look down as a cold breeze blew.

"I see...these roots don't do well with the cold!" Alicia said in realization as Chris followed.

"So that's why they stop moving"

Before they could get a closer look down the hole, you held them back before they could get any closer.

"Don't get too close you two, you might fall back down." You scolded as they grin sheepishly and nodded their head in agreement.

"Your right [Y/n]!!!"

"I don't want to go back down there"

You giggled and finally led them away from the hole and back to where everyone is which they quickly let go of your hands and rush towards them happily. You shake your head at this but let out a sneeze when another cold breeze blew by.

"You're seriously helpless and here I thought idiots don't get sick" Ray's voice caught your attention as you turn your gaze towards him only to feel something thrown right at your face.

"Hey!!!" You heard Ray snickering as you tried to remove the thing that landed on your face.

When you finally did, you look down to see it was a scarf that the others had been handing out. A smile came to your face as you look at Ray who was stood in front of you and take the scarf away from your hands.

Before you could even open your mouth to protest, Ray started to wrap the scarf around you making you pause.

 You stayed quiet and let him as you trailed your eyes towards him while Ray was occupied with fixing your scarf,  you find the time to take a better look at him.

He was indeed a few inches taller than you, his unruly raven-haired locks although it looks rough it was soft to the touch.

Then your eyes trailed towards his eye as his bangs covered the other one, you always wonder how he can still with just one eye, and the longer you were staring at him, you unconsciously lifted your hand up to brush his bangs out of his face.

Ray was startled at your gesture but didn't move your hand away and let his gaze to meet your own. Dark green orbs meeting bright blue orbs, both of you stared at each other.

"Can you really see with just one eye?" You said as you tilt your head looking at him curiously.

The raven-haired let out an exasperated sigh at you "I can see fine dumbass" he said as then flicks your forehead making you wince and back up sending him a playful glare.


He rolls his eye, but couldn't stop the smile of amusement on his face as he grabs your hand and start to lead you somewhere.

"Come on, help me find some water" Ray said as you follow beside him looking at him curiously 

"Then shouldn't we look for a river?"

Ray continued to look around as he glances at you and smirks "We can still find some even without a river"

You blink as he continued to lead you, walking around but not too far away from the others. The two of you look around but couldn't help but sweatdrop, Ray didn't even tell you what you two were supposed to be looking for.

You were about to ask Ray when your ears perk up and turn your gaze to Emma's voice and spot her with Don, Gilda, and Nat with the book.

"This outside world is full of unknowns! And the word of this book has meaning!" You hear Emma say as Don who was holding the book skim over it.

"So it's our guidebook huh..."

"That's right this book contains all of the important pieces of information we need" Emma stated as they continued to talk.

You smile at them, before turning to face Ray who was looking over behind a tree.

"Found it!" Ray exclaim as your eyes shine and went up towards him to take a look at what he had been looking for earlier only to trip on a root.

As you wait for your demise, you felt a hand grab your waist and turn to look up at Ray who deadpans at you as he sets you back to your feet.

"Did you forget how to walk or what?"  his remark make you pout as you huff. You just couldn't help it! The roots were everywhere! How can you not trip and fall!?

You didn't respond to Ray and pout as you simply went to look at what he found and look over behind the tree and spot them.

Ray couldn't help but let a small smile on his face at the expression you had on your face as you were crouched down by the plant that he had been looking for.

He then turns towards where Emma and the others were and called out to them "Hey Emma! Here it is! This is what we've been looking for!!"

You stayed in your position, staring at the plant that was in front of you as you look at it in curiosity. You had never seen a plant such as it but since you guys were almost killed also by a plant earlier you weren't that really bother.

Ray crouch down beside you as the others finally gathered around, like you, the others were also confused as you could imagine a bunch of question marks floating around their heads.

"Uh...what is this??" Nat finally asks as he looks at Ray.

Everyone, including you, look at him as Ray smirks at you as he simply stated "Water"

 "Huh!?!?!" All of you let out in confusion while also curious.

Looking back at the plant, you hesitantly poke it "This weird plant is actually water???" you asked as you continued to poke it with your finger.

"They're mentioned in the book. Anemones that store pure water" Ray answered you while also looking over the others.

"Anemones!??!" Don lets out as you were still poking at the said plant when Ray grab your hand to stop you.

"Watch" Ray said as you all look at him attentively, he pulls out a scalpel and a jar before slowly cutting the plant which shot out water.

"AhhhhHHH!!!" You and the others let out as you look in amazement, watching as the empty jar slowly filled up with the water that was coming from the plant.

"These things aren't obviously aren't real Anemones" Ray said closing the jar with a lid once it was filled up with the water as he continues speaking,

"But if we keep following what the book said, this water should be drinkable. We won't have to go all the way to the river each time to get water." 

Ray looks at you and smirks as you couldn't help but look at him in amazement and grin.

"Food and water are the two most important parts of our blind adventure. We can't even tell what is edible and what isn't. So I'm quite thankful that we at least have something to base our decisions off of" Ray added as he stood back up.

"This world is full of scary things...but at least we won't be flailing around in the dark"Emma spoke up with a smile.

Standing right back up you and smile "That's right!! We don't have to worry!! We're not alone, we have each other and an ally with us"

As you said this everyone smiled as Lani and Thoma came up to wrap their arms around your waist making you laugh as they were pulled away by Ray making them pout.

"Let's all go see Mr. Minerva!! Let's all survive. Let's do our best to get out of here!!" Emma cheers as you and her made eye contact and smile.

"Just a little bit more" 

She gave a nod and gave a determined smile "Okay let's do our best guys! It's time to go!!"

The kids cheered and followed, you felt fingers intertwined with your hands and smile as you glance to your side to meet Ray's gaze.

"Let's go??" You smile as you tug his hand both of you starting to walk with the others.

"Only if you won't fall every time you take a step" Ray replied smirking at you as you blush and pout.

"Emma!! Ray is being mean!!!" You called out only to hear her laugh at you and receive a smile from her.


「 Hi Guys!! Hope you guys enjoyed another update!! I couldn't stop thinking about this chapter even though I still have school work but I just couldn't wait!!

Like always thank you for your patience everyone and I hope you like the chapter today!!

Also, I want to thank you for everyone!! I don't know why I somehow just notice this now but thank you for all the 700+ followers!! I never would've thought this would happen.

Thank you so much and I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story while also being patient with the updates.

That's all I've got to say everyone, I'll update again as soon as I can I hope you guys have a nice day and Merry Christmas!!!  」

「 Towards Neverland 」✧ ❘   49112  ❘  ✧【Ray x Reader】Where stories live. Discover now