⚜ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 19 ⚜

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Three days had gone by like a breeze, throughout the journey in the underground tunnels there was no sign of the pursuers anywhere. You all were making a lot of progress along the way, though there were a lot of detours following along this labyrinth.

Lately, though,  you really couldn't focus and couldn't help but space out, not after having continuous nightmares for the past three nights. Waking up at the break of dawn, you would always end up talking with Sonju by the bonfire just to keep your mind off the nightmares, though it did work for some time, the nightmare continued to linger in the back of your mind.

Particularly the one from last night was the worst one you had, the horrifying image played in repeat in your head.

"[Y/n]..." A familiar mellow voice called out, pulling you out of your thoughts as you turn your head towards the direction of where he is.

"Huh? Yeah??" You let out, blinking in confusion seeing Ray holding on to your hand and tugs you towards where the others were all gathering. 

That's right, all of you were currently on a break from walking the endless tunnels. You let Ray tug you towards where everyone has gathered around, standing behind where Emma sat.

"You want to head Southeast towards this area, then you should leave from the forest from the Northern side and walk around it." Sonju advises as he pointed on the map laid out on which route and direction to take while you all gathered around him in a circle listening in.

"From the North...?" Emma asks looking up at him as Musica spoke up to answer her and explain.

"If we went straight Southeast, we'd have to pass through the Wild Demon Territory"

Hearing this you grimace at the thought of seeing and having to deal with those Wild Demons, like the last time. That would be troublesome especially if the pursuers were out there somewhere.

"Take the long way, and you'll meet nothing but wilderness. No Demon settlements around there, either. We should be done with this forest within five days. After that, it'll take a single more day to reach your goal" Sonju said as his head turned to face you all.

"In the meanwhile, you should learn something useful Musica and I shall be your tutors" Sonju grins looking straight at you.

There as Sonju said, they taught you guys what all of you need to survive. The essential knowledge, about the plants and food that you guys could safely eat,  and then the skills. You stood there by the side with everyone and couldn't help but let a small smile as Emma perfectly shot her arrow right at the target in the middle.

The kids cheered out for her as she made her way to you guys, Emma sent them a sheepish smile rubbing the back of her head before looking over at you, handing the bow with a smile.

"Why don't you give a try [Y/n]!" Her words were encouraging but you shook your head and gave her a small smile.

"It's fine Emma, I'll give it a try another time. I'm going to help the others with the plants and herbs for now" You said as you gently push the bow back at her, before turning away and giving a wave.

You made your way towards the others and sat beside Ray and started to help with the others, while doing this, you were unaware of how Ray kept glancing at you by the corner of his eye, concerned.

He knew there was something bothering you for the past days and every time he would try to confront you about it, you would dodge or act oblivious about it. This time though when he manages to get both of you two alone, he's not letting you get away.

「 Towards Neverland 」✧ ❘   49112  ❘  ✧【Ray x Reader】Where stories live. Discover now