⚜ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 23 ⚜

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After Overcoming

Countless Difficulties...

It was finally day five of your travel throughout the endless underground tunnels, but not for long as for tomorrow when the sun rises all of you we're going to finally head out.

"We did it!!" Every one of the kids cheered out in victory as they happily jump up and down. Sonju looks at all of you with a small smile as he then instructed.

"Right ahead, we'll rise up, and you'll be leaving the forest already. Let's rest for the night! We can proceed tomorrow." 

Everyone agreed with no objection as you couldn't help but chuckle as the kids were all eager to make dinner and medicine for supplies. As everyone was busy doing partaking in preparing dinner and setting up a small camp, you stood by a corner deep in thought.

2 days had passed after you had miraculously managed to win against Sonju, but that was the only time. Those 2 days that passed, you couldn't lay a scratch or even get a closing distance on Sonju.

Not only that tomorrow you couldn't train with him anymore, you and everyone else would be parting from him and Musica pretty soon. The very thought made you sigh as a frown settled on your face at this but you quickly snap out of it, shaking the negative thoughts out.

"Alright! That's enough!" Everyone stared at you questionably as you realized that you said your thoughts aloud, very loudly.

You blush in embarrassment and duck your head in your arms as you turn your back to them to face the wall instead as you wave a dismissing hand. "P-Pretend you guys didn't hear anything..."

Instead, this only made them burst out laughing as your face grew redder, Ray who made his way in your direction puts a hand on your shoulder. Looking at him red in the face, he gave you an amusing smile as you return it with an embarrassed one before you soon couldn't help but join in the laughter.

Sonju and Musica who stood by the sides couldn't help but smile at the scene as they soon watch all of you do the things that they had taught all of you, throughout the journey.

"My, these kids really do learn fast" Musica said as Chris and Alicia turn to her with a smile.

"This is nothing, [Y/n], Ray and Emma are way faster!" Alicia said proudly with a bright smile as Chris soon added.

"Norman was amazing too! One glance and Baam! He was already a Pro!"

Musica tilts her head in confusion and curiosity of the unfamiliar name while Sonju glances to where you, Ray, and Emma were deep in thought.

'Premium Goods, huh...so these are the brains nurtured at the very best plantation...' Sonju thought as he stares at each of you before his gaze lingers at you who was stirring on the pot while the others were throwing the ingredients in.

In just five days, you really did well in handling your skills in swordsmanship. That day you had managed to beat him really caught him off guard, but nonetheless, he was amazed.



Who Refuse to Eat Human Meat. 

They seem so human-like...

「 Towards Neverland 」✧ ❘   49112  ❘  ✧【Ray x Reader】Where stories live. Discover now