⚜ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6 ⚜

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The three of you continued to stand in front of the roots with your backs facing it as you three looked over at everyone who was still in shock.

"We'll be fine as long as we don't touch them" Emma said to try and reassure everyone as she pointed at the roots.

"The only roots that'll actively come towards us are the ones from the wall! But look, they can't attack us anyway if we don't touch them! As long as we don't touch, the speed of these roots won't be affected at all!" Emma stated as she grins.

You came up beside her and look at everyone with a smile and nodded your head "That's right, It's not scary anymore, so let's all calm down first alright?"

Everyone nodded their head as they all tried to calm down, you felt someone place a hand on your shoulder and look at Ray who had a soft smile on his face that you return as he then turns to face the others.

"Listened up!" 

Everyone turns their heads to Ray as he motioned at the trunk of the tree and pointed upwards "Right now, our plan is to climb this trunk up to the ceiling as initially planned. We have to make our way up there before the roots from the wall reach us."

Ray then gave a determined look as the smaller kids were still a bit frightened "But I know we can do it. You all have tirelessly trained your climbing skills back at the house right?"

Nat who was standing by the sides with Gilda, both contemplating and thinking over what would happen after climbing out.

But what about after we make it to the Top?

Will we able to get out?

Before those roots reach us?

From that stupid ceiling?

Gilda looks towards you and Emma as she spoke up "So we will escape. As long as we get up to the Top, you guys are saying that we'll all be able to escape from this place?"

You and Emma shared a quick look before turning back to Gilda with a determined smile as you nodded your head.


"That's right!"

"Then let's go, everyone!" 

"Let's get out of here quickly!!"

Everyone let out a cheer and started walking towards the tree as one by one you all started to climb up. You pull yourself up carefully while also keeping an eye on everyone and as you were looking you lock eyes with a dark green one.

Ray smirks at you as he calls out "How are you holding up there?"

Smiling back at him you playfully stuck out your tongue at him and continued to climb higher than him.

"Better than you of course~"

As you continued to climb up, you miss the small smile Ray had on his face as he too started to climb up and started to observe the place around him.

The Snakes of Alvar Pinera were all born from the cave ceiling. That's right, they were all simple rocks in the form of snakes. This tree is no different, all of these wall roots are coming from the ceiling.

It's just like the rocks in the books the snakes came from. Once the bottom becomes full of those roots, the ceiling is thinning out.

The first to arrive at the top was you, followed by Emma. The two of you tried to pull down the vines from the ceiling but it wasn't enough.

"Everbody! Help me and [Y/n]!" Emma called out as the others climb higher.

All of you grab a vine, hanging on to it as everyone started to tug them down as hard as they could.

To escape the Snakes of Alvar Pinera, you must break the ceiling wall

It doesn't matter how you do it.

It won't be that hard.

「 Towards Neverland 」✧ ❘   49112  ❘  ✧【Ray x Reader】On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara