⚜ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17 ⚜

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Walking through the underground terrain, all of you followed Sonju and Musica, speaking of which you look up to the tall hooded demon, and as if sensing your stare he looks over his shoulder and grin.

"Be at ease, they won't find us down here" He said directing his words to you. Smiling up at him, Sonju nodded at you as he turns to face forward as he explains the underground tunnels all of you are walking in.

"I myself built this path, by connecting tunnels left behind by the dead vampire trees. It's a true maze. Only I and Musica can find the exit"

"I'd be lost actually" Musica admitted as the kids that were walking beside her giggles making her smile at them before continuing their trek while listening to Sonju.

"They from the Plantations aren't very familiar with the forest, we can just stay in these tunnels until we clear the area" After stating this, everyone let out a joyous cheer while continuing their walk, not having to worry about the pursuers right on your tails.

"Oh look! Water Anemones!" Alicia calls out, Jemima who was beside her smiles as the two of them made their way to the Anemones plants smiling while looking at the said plants.

As they heard this from the two, Sonju and Musica turn their head towards Alicia and Jemima.  "I'm surprised you know that" Sonju commented highly impressive about the slight knowledge they already held. 

The said two turn and ran back towards the group as Alicia held on to Musica's cloak looking up at her with a smile curiously asking. "Musica, do you live with your friends in this forest?"

Looking down at her, Musica gave a small smile to Alicia as she replied to her question "Not live, no. We're just passing through! We travel through various lands, never stopping anywhere"

"Why?" Dominic pipe in the middle of the conversation as he turns to look at  Sonju for an answer yet instead of receiving one, Sonju lets out a thoughtful hum before a grin made its way to his face as he too replied with a question.

"Hmm...why indeed?"

You who had been just right behind them couldn't help but feel curious after hearing their conversation even though you didn't mean to eavesdrop. From the short time you had spent early this morning with Sonju, you notice that while interacting with him he tends to be straightforward in his words, but there were also times that he tends to be secretive.

While deep in your thoughts, it slips your mind from what kind of terrain you were all walking in, not paying attention to your steps your foot got caught into one of the roots tripping your own self. As you were waiting for the fall you couldn't help but sweatdrop at yourself.

I can run and jump through branches and yet I can't even walk through the ground of roots without tripping. Goodbye world, I apologize for my clumsiness as this is my end. Norman I think I might be seeing you soon.

Narrating your own end in your thoughts, you didn't even notice you had already stopped falling until you heard Sonju's voice which made you snap out in the middle of your narrative speech in your mind as you look at him.


"Huh??" You let out as you now find yourself in Sonju's arm blinking once and twice before finally registering what just happened.

"Watch your step, Egan" Sonju calmly said while carefully setting you back down on your feet as he stood up from his knelt down position. 

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