⚜ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13⚜

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After calming down Ray reluctantly help you to stand up as he made sure to observe you in case you were still weak to stand. Thankfully for him, you can manage to stand up steadily.

Now finally having a clear vision, you look over your surrounding as you hold on to Ray cautiously.

"Ray...do you know where we are or where Emma and everyone else is?" You ask as you now face him.

Instead of receiving a reply, Ray lets out a sigh as he gently pats your head. "So you're in the dark too huh?"

"Well, it is pretty dark around you know?" You pointed out which made Ray scowl and pinch your cheek.

"I meant metaphorically" He stated as you wailed and pry his hands away.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay! Okay, you win!" 

Ray lets go of your cheek but didn't move his hand away from your face, letting out a sigh he gently rubs the sore spot on your cheek with his thumb.

"Alright then tell me what happened to you first [Y/n]. Why do you have bandages around your head? Did you get hurt?" Ray asks calmly but with a hint of worried in his tone.

At the mention of your injury, you trailed your gaze to the ground as a frown made its way to your face. You didn't want to tell them you still haven't fully recovered yet, there were more important matters to worried about now that you guys were outside.


Hearing his voice as his warm hand held your face made you sigh in defeat as you reluctantly turn to face him shamefully.

"I don't exactly remember what happened when I got here....but I sort of remember something about a hooded girl appearing, the bandages are...for my injury that reopened." You explain and immediately Ray grabs your shoulders.

"Why didn't you tell me you weren't completely healed yet!? This is serious [Y/n]! What if it gets more fatal!?"

You grit your teeth at this as you shrug his hands away "I know that! But clearly, you can see our situation right now! Danger is lurking around us every second Ray, I don't want anyone getting sidetrack about me being injured."

Ray narrowed his eyes at you before placing a hand over his forehead, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Still [Y/n], what if you push yourself to the limit? I know you put the kids' safety first before your own but you of all people know that I would always put your safety first before mine." Ray stated calmly.

Your eyes widened at this as Ray steps closer placing a hand on your shoulder. "From now on you have to promise me, if anything is wrong you would tell me straight away okay?"

Staring at his dark green eye while being illuminated by the green light from the lantern made it shine more than ever. You didn't want to trouble them especially Ray with the situation right now but you knew you weren't getting out of this.

Letting out a sigh, you touch his hand on your shoulder and smile at him "Okay...I promised to you I'll tell you when I feel unwell"

A smile made its way to his face as he gave a nod. Ray then trailed his gaze to your bandaged head "So are you sure you're fine now?"

"I-I'm fine now!! Honestly!! Stop with that doubtful stare!!" You pointed a finger at him as he sighed.

"Alright but now, you said you vaguely remember about a hooded girl?" Ray asks as you nodded your head.

Ray puts a hand under his chin as he thought it over, if he also remembered correctly he too was also saved by a hooded stranger from the pursuers.

「 Towards Neverland 」✧ ❘   49112  ❘  ✧【Ray x Reader】Where stories live. Discover now