Ellie Harrows

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chapter one:
Hi I'm Ellie and I live In LA America. My dad recently got a job transfer to Regina in Canada , so that's where I'm heading. Me and my dad never really had a good relationship, to say I was a mothers girl is an understatement. So when my mom died when I was 13 I nearly committed suicide, I have the scars to prove it. I stopped though and usually there would be some kind of boy who helped me through it or maybe a caring sibling or relative. Not for me , I took up snowboarding it helped me a lot and eventually I stopped self-harming and focused all my rage and depression on my snowboarding.

I'm 19 now and although I've only been snowboarding since I was 13 I am a four-peat gold medallist in the half pipe and slope style snowboarding. My dad and brother never come to watch me and I'm not even sure if they even know where I'm competing half the time. Maybe they watch me on the TV? Andddd maybe they don't actually wait... I'm sure they don't. I'm known as the most decorated female snowboarder in the world and my Dad and brother don't even care. I wish my mom was here right now.

Well that's a little about me oh and one more thing I have broken 16 bones in my body including my back and neck. I have been nursing a new nickname because of this - Lucky. Ha cheesy I know but even the commentators call me that name so I've learned to live with it

hey this is my first fanfic so excuse the crappy writing i promise it will get better

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