Marks slope style

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I woke up to Ellie sleeping soundly on my chest. I pushed some of her long hair out of her eyes and looked at her perfect face. I had slope style today and Ellie didn't have anything else in the x- games due to her back and also resting up for the Olympics which is in 12 days. I was lost in Thought when Ellie woke up and her gently caressing my cheek made me jump a little.

" Mark are you ok baby?" She asked tentatively like her words could break me

" yeah just thinking about how close the Olympics are" I replied

" oh ok well seeing as we both woke up so early we can just have a nice little char whilst I'm here in you comfy chest then." She said smiling and cuddling in closer to me.

" ok I'll start " I said " how old were you when you started snowboarding?" I asked

"13"she said "my go" she said " why did you start snowboarding ?" She asked me

" I started snowboarding because it was what I wanted to do being from the flatter place ever didn't help me but it pushed me to be innovative like having Craig double bounce me on our trampoline so I could get the rotations down before I even got on the board. Skateboarding helped a lot as well with my stance and valence ya know" I said

" how about you why did you start?"

"OMG Mark look at the time we need to get ready and head down straight away " she replied going to get out of bed

Why did she always avoid questions about that? I thought to myself



As I waited for Mark to compete I paced around nervously. I had moved to the side of the course so I could ride down slowly and keep up with him. I saw him at the top and waved. He smiled and waved back showing off his adorable dimple. As his run started he did the first rail perfectly and I kept him in my sights riding down the side of the course ( a safe distance away) as he came to the second jump his board hit and I felt my heart stop and he fell on the rail and into the ground

"MARK" I screamed riding over to him as the medical team would take done time to get here

I skidded to his side to find him screaming in pain and u almost cried at the sight.

" Mark baby where hurts?" I asked cupping his cheek he clutched his side so I assumed rib

" ok baby, it's ok I'm here it's ok " I rambled kneeling in front of him still running my hands down his face.

"Ok do you think you can stand up?" I asked

He nodded weakly as he slowly rose. I put my arm gently around his side as he leant on me quite heavily.

" Mark mcmorris looks to be up with the help of his girlfriend Ellie." The commentator said

" that's right folks I think that's just about the cutest thing we've ever seen here at winter x" he said again but all my focus was on a badly injured mark as we went down the hill together.

"Come on baby just a little further " I whispered in his ear soothingly

Once we reached the bottom medical came and swept him away in an ambulance they asked If I wanted to go with and of course I said yes

Mark was lay down in the ambulance as I went and sat next to him stoking my hands through his hair trying to calm him down. When we reached the hospital I got told I had to stay outside and wait until the doctored had done their thing.

One thing running through my mind... Is marks olympic dream over?

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