A bit rusty

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Marks POV

I had just won the x games gold for what felt like the first time in forever (unintentional frozen reference) it was all down to my board. Who am I kidding it was down to Ellie. Just knowing she was watching me gave me all my confidence back instantly. I wasn't just doing the tricks anymore I was living and loving them again. All thanks to Ellie.



I went out onto the slopes to have a chilled out ride after my win when I saw a boarder come down the hill hitting every rail and jump with precision that had to have come with years of practice. All her moves flowed perfectly and she stomped every landing never falling never hesitating. I look at her board and see there are no sponsor stickers on them. How has no one seen her talent? She's so good. I carried on watching her and when she finished her run and walked past me I spoke up.

"Hey you're really good you know I don't know how you haven't got sponsors." She looked at me with goggles and material covering her face. 'This is exactly how I met Ellie' I thought instantly making myself sad. "I'm not really looking to get any sponsors yet but thanks for the compliment" she replied and quickly walked away to the ski lift. Leaving me speechless.


Omg that was too close Mark nearly caught me on the slopes. I had stripped all the sponsors off my board so it shouldn't be too obvious that I was once a pro. I had my mind set back and I wanted to burst back into snowboarding with a bang. So I worked on a new trick. It was nearly impossible but if I have the right speed I know I can pull it off. I had one more try before I went into my hotel for the night. Ok Ellie get yourself together. One spin two. Three. And a half. Stomp it in switch. OMG YES. I did it I landed it. Now I need to work on a grab and making the jump look more smooth and natural. But the next competitions hat came up people better be ready for the return of Ellie Harrow. I need to fix things with Mark as well. I won't compete well until I know he's ok.

A/N OMG I'm on fire with these uploads like damn

Falling Angels (mark mcmorris)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें