Home sweet slopes

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I awoke to the annoying sound my alarm clock."uuggghh" i groaned pulling myself out of bed and quietly padding downstairs, if i woke my dad or my brother i was basically a dead girl walking (which i am anyway with the events of the 13th year of my life).

You may be asking yourself why is she waking up so early on a Saturday? Well at 5:30 on a Saturday morning the slopes are basically dead, the perfect time to pracitce new tricks and nit get looked at when you fall. Imean seriously just because I'm a good snowboarder, doesnt mean i dont fall thats like saying a doctor never gets injured , just not true. never will be.

I must have gotten lost in my own thoughts because the next thing i know theres a weight lying on my chest and my board is tangled with someone elses. I look up and see a pair of grogeous green eyes looking right at me. OMG i thought thats Mark Mcmorris. I pulled myself together as he got up frantically apologizing.

" Oh my god I'm so sorry, i wasnt looking and i didnt think anyone else would be on the slopes and i must have gotten lost in my own thoughts but-"  " Its ok" i cut him off " Sorry i was rambling wasnt i? " he admitted

"yeah a little bit" i giggled. Wait i giggled?! what the heck? I NEVER giggle EVER not since my mom ya know...

He offered his hand to help me up and i accepted, it was only then i got the pain in my back, you see i am just recovering from a cracked vertabre in my back. I was fit enough to snowboard but it still stung like a fucker.

"aaggghhh" i yelled accidentally. Yeah thats right an accidental scream, i hate showing weakness but the pain was just too much to handle right now.

"OMG are you ok, oh god this is all my fault, oh my jesus I've broken her back.I know I've let myself go a bit over the past weeks but jesus I've just bro-"

"I'm fine" i chuckled through clenched teeth as i stopped his adorable ramvle yet again. i mean ramble not adorable ramble oh God...

"No your not i BROKE HER BACK!" he screamed

"It was already broken you idiot" i chuckled standing up straight as some of the pain subsided

"And your riding with it, thats gnarley man.... or woman" he said unsure

I realised i still had on all my snowboarding and with a blue baggy coat ,much like his, i guess it was hard to tell my gender. I pulled down my scarf and my googgles to reveal my flushed make-upless (female) face.

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