Meeting the Mcmorris family

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When we arrived at the Mcmorris house i got very nervous and began to over think things. what if they don't like me? What if they think that i'm not good enough for their son?

Mark must have noticed my sudden discomfort because he took my small hand is his huge on and gave it  a reassuring squeeze.
"Don't worry they are going to love you." Mark reassured me
"What if they don't like mt though?"
"Ellie i love you and they are going to love you nearly as much as i do, because no-one can love you more than i do Lucky." Mark said to me as we came up to his door and he took me inside.

"LLLLUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKYYYYY" I am assuming Craig shouted from the lounge as he tackled me in a bone crushing hug.

"Hey Craigerbear, how you been?" i replied, returning his hug with just as much force. With all my snowboarding i like to think i have quite a muscular build, i have got a six pack after all. But so has basically every Olympic athlete, either that or they are very physically fit.

"I've been good thanks Lucky. Hey get you landing the female first triple"  he said referring to the last X-games i competed in, in which i made history, this is before i even met Mark, we have only been going out for 1 month but i feel like i know everything about him and i love him to bits.

"And you Craiger, with your mad commentating skills" i said smiling into his shoulder.
"Hey can i have my girl back?" Mark asked jokingly from behind me.
"NO SHES MINE" Craig shouted right by my ear making me flinch.

Marks parents walked into the kitchen and i smiled nervously as Mark snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me against him. i smiled up at him.
"Mom , Dad this is Ellie, my girlfriend" He said proudly smiling down at me.

Marks parents both looked at me in awe. His dad spoke up first 
"Hi i'm Don, i hope you don't mind me asking but are you Ellie Harrows?"
"I don't mind at all and yes i am" i said with fake confidence, happy that they knew who i am  

"You are somewhat a legend in this house Ellie, even before Mark started talking about you 24/7"his mom chimed into the conversation
"I'm Cindy, Marks mom" she said pulling me into a warm embrace, maybe this wasn't going to be so bad.

"Hey Lucky why don't you stay the night" Craig said to me." seeing as its already dark out and your here you can have the spare room" i really wanted to say yes but my Dad would be so angry with me.
"I have nothing to sleep in though" I said trying to find a valid reason not to stay.
"You can have one of my shirts "Mark said. Damn his kindness. 
"OK" I said giving in.

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