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I waited for the doctor to come out and tell me to go In to Mark. When He did come out I nearly jumped out of my seat

"He's asking for you and he won't cooperate at all"

" ok I'll see what I can do" I replied as I walked into the room Mark was In.

My heart nearly cracked when I saw him lying there on the bed. He was curled into a ball with tears streaming down his face. I rushed to his side but a nurse grabbed me

" he needs to lie straight do we can examine his rib" she explained

"Alright" I said walking over to Mark

" Mark " I said softly. Nothing.

" Mark baby it's Ellie" I tried again placing my hand over his clenched fist.

He looked up " Ellie?" He said his voice hoarse from crying

" hi baby it's me your ok now" I said moving my hand to his face wiping away the tears that I found there

"Ellie it hurts " he said weakly and my heart just broke. I moved both hands to his face cupping it softly and placed my forehead on his.

" I know baby, I know it hurts but you've gotta let the doctors do their job" I whispered into his ear.

"On three baby come on you can do it" I said




Slowly as he gripped my hand for dear life he straightened out so the doctors could look at his rib.

"Good job Sparky" I said. As happy as I was he was letting the doctors do their job. I couldn't help but stare at his face as it scrunched in pain in the new position.

" ok we're Going to feel your rib now Mark it may hurt a little"

As the doctor started feeling around Mark let out a scream of sheer agony and I have never felt more useless in my entire life. So I bent down and kissed him, trying to ease some of his pain.

"Just keep going Baby, come on" I said. 'What calms him down?' I thought to myself

I remembered on the aeroplane when I was playing with is hair he really liked it. So that's what I did.

As I started doing that he leaned into my touch and closed his eyes. I smiled and began tugging out any knots I found I felt and saw him relax at my touch at least he was happy for the moment.

"Mark it looks like you've broken a rib" the doctor said

" will I be able to compete in the Olympics?" Mark asked straight away

"Well it looks like a clean brake so if you do some physio it should be ok to compete on however it will be extremely painful" the doctor spoke again

"Ok" mark said simply.

The doctors left and it was just me and mark I was still running my hands through his hair. I saw more tears make thir way down his face. Not sure if they're from pain or devastation I wipe them away and kiss his forehead.

"Try and sleep Mark" I say

" I can't Ellie I can't even relax" he says

"Sleep with me Ellie?" He says moving over slowly because of his rib.

"Ok if it'll make you sleep then I will." I say climbing in I prop myself up and start to play on my phone. Mark then does the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. He moves so his head is in my lap and bands his arms tightly around my thighs. I sigh putting down my phone and playing with his hair again twirling it round in my fingers playing with the hairs at the back of his neck. I feel him relax and as his breaths become even I know he's fallen asleep and I smile knowing that for a short time he's pain free and not having to deal with the pressure of Olympics and snowboarding. His family couldn't come down to the hospital as it was too far away and Craig was commentating so for the moment, I was all I had and the way he was gripping my legs I think he knew that as well.

Falling Angels (mark mcmorris)Where stories live. Discover now