Lucky charm

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I was for some reason really nervous to see Mark compete I was in the middle of the crowd but still quite close to the front. Torstein was going now on his last run and he nailed it putting him straight into first with only Mark to knock him off top spot. 'Mark McMorris up next. The only one who can knock Torstein horgmo off top spot.'the announcer said.

'Mark hasn't been on top form of recent so many people would say Torstein has it in the bag' the commentator said and it made me really mad. ' He's done more than you have' I thought to myself. 'I have faith he can pull something off tonight though. I think that new board might help him' Torstein said in an interview at the bottom of the slope. I smiled when I saw him searching for me In the crowd.

Mark was ready set off and I was so nervous I was shifting my weight from one foot to the other not being able to keep still. "Mcmorris fan I see" a girl around my age said next to me. "Yeah how did you know?" I said puzzled. " you've watched all the other riders without batting an eyelid. But when Mark is about to set off you can't control your own feet" she said laughing. " ok. Maybe I'm just a little nervous" I said with a chuckle turning back to the slopes to watch Mark. When I saw him go and nail everything he stomped the last jump and I cheered louder than ever jumping around. The scores came in Mark had done it. He won oh my god I'm so proud of him. He smiled and held his board in the air as the interviewer came over to talk to him.

"Mark how do you feel?" The interviewer asked

" I'm on top of the world really. I haven't been having the best season so far but I am glad to be back on top form."he said

"Do you think the new board has helped at all?"

"Definitely this board has helped me more than you guys will ever know. I really do t think I would have won without it I guess you could say it's my lucky charm " he said with a huge smile on his face showing his cute dimples.

"What's your opinion on Ellie harrows leaving snowboarding?"

Mark tensed and thought about his answer before replying " I think that Ellie should do whatever makes her happy but I know for a fact that snowboarding made her happy. I don't know why she left but I hope that one day she'll come back and show us all what she is made of. " after that he walked off with Torstein cheering and smiling. I realised one thing there and then. I am still hopelessly in love with Mark McMorris.

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