Marks big air run

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After me and mark getting an ear full from Adam we made our way down to the big air venue   Mark went to go warm  up before his run and I shifted  around because I was so nervous for him   Staale came up behind me and have me a hug congratulating me. I smiled back and he must have got the message that I was with mark as the flirty tone and actions had conpletley disappeared. We had a quick conversation and he also went to warm up like mark had. Go I've never been so nervous for someone else's run before on my life.

      Mark was in second with a 93/100 and this was his last run. 'If he could land his triple he could win this thing' I thought. I knew Mark would try it but I didn't want him to be completely injured if he fell or lost concentration.

Mark went for his second run and I held my breath as he went for the jump




Yes he had done it with his backside triple cork 1440 he must be on the lead now 99/100 flashed up on the screen and I cheered and ran to mark hugging the life out of him. An interviewer came over and I was about to leave bit mark securley put his arm around my padded waist to hold me into his side as his interview commenced.

" so mark what is it like to have win gold again at the x-games?"

" to be honest it's been one of my life dreams and I'm so stoked I got to live it for real"

" you and Ellie Harrows have recently announced your relationship is it easier to be dating when your both snowboarders?"

" I think it's for sure easier because I don't have to drag her along to my competitions coz she's already here and loving every minute" he said looking down at me with his goggles still over his face

Suddenly the crowd started chanting KISS KISS KISS and I looked down embarrassed but a sudden urge of confidence came, maybe from the crowd cheering me on or maybe I just didn't care anymore. I pulled marks giggles over the top of his head to rest on his helmet  and pulled him down for a passionate kiss. The crowd cheered and I smiled it couldn't have been a better day. 'Its a double whammie for the mcmorris couple ' the announcer.. Well announced   Me and Mark had another day of snowboarding to do so we just made our way back to the hotel and fell asleep cuddles together. Perfect end to a perfect day.

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