He's not in the game

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1 year later


it's been 1 year since Ellie left. I saw her kissing Staale and just lost it. Now she's gone. I don't know where she's gone. But I do know that she's given up her passion. Her talent. For gods sake she gave up snowboarding, she bowed out of the Olympics when she was favourite to win and no ones ever seen her compete in x games or any snowboarding competition even again. She literally disappeared. I was in Aspen at the minute at x games exactly where I was one year ago when I broke my rib. Ellie was here then and it was winning competitions. Now Ellie's gone and I have only been on the podium 2 times. In a whole YEAR. I'm so lost without her.

I go up to the top of the slope to take my run. I'm doing Slopestyle and hoping not to crash. Maybe even podium. Like usual I can think of anything other than mine and Ellie's memories here and I crash out on the first podium. No one is surprised. I was one of the best. Now I can have anyone beat me. 'Ohhhh Mark McMorris with a nasty fall on the second rail. He's really not got back to where he was since the Olympics. His girlfriend Ellie Harrows also left him at around that time. Speaking of Ellie Harrows, where is she? Ellie if your even watching. Please come back snowboarding misses you. And now torstein horgmo lines up..." The commentators said but I already zoned out when they stopped taking about Ellie.


'Ellie if your even watching. Please come back snowboarding needs you' I felt a huge knot form in my stomach. I hadn't even been on a board since I quit. It killed me every time mark fell or lost. He never won anymore and it was all my fault. I took his passion away from him because I screwed up. I destroyed his relationship then his career.

"I need to fix this" I said to myself. I live alone in LA I have basically no friends and every time someone recognises me. They hate me for

1. Quitting

And 2. Making mark lose

So I don't ever go out to parties. I love on my own cocoon. Every time I see Mark compete it makes me want to get back on my board. BOARD THATS IT!!

I got to work straight away. I bought a new blank snowboard and made my own design for it. I stuck all of marks sponsored stickers on top ( he had lost a few since he wasn't winning much anymore) and looked at my creation. "Perfect" I whispered

The board was plain black on top but it was so shiny making all his sponsor stickers look bold and clear to see. On the bottom it was a black background as well and in electric blue it said ' MAKE YOUR MARK' and then smaller underneath that in red it said ' live for the moment ' which he has tattooed on his forearm.

I packaged it up and sent it to his hotel in Aspen where it should arrive 3 hours before his big air. The note inside the package with the snowboard said


I just wanted to say that you are so much better than your showing. You want to get me back? Well losing isn't going to do that. You can do it Mark I have and always will love you. Show then what your made of.


PS. I am so sorry about Staale. Good luck on the win and I'll be watching

Little did he know that I bought tickets to x games and would literally be there watching. I hope this works.

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