Chapter 13 - Chiba-Zero

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Story behind the name  -  Japanese S.A.T  was established in 1968 and renamed as 'Osaka Zero' in 1977  RPA Hijack rescue mission. With serving departments in Chiba, Osaka, Aichi and Sapporo, 'Chiba Zero' was a huge hit in the 80s. With in 1996, the name was finally changed to S.A.T with Chiba-Tokyo still the main department.

Our high command.....not sure about how many of them are actually the fear factors for us. More like not knowing that how many of them are actual loyal and how many of them will head as a threat to us. Firstly also to see here that every of our action is something which the world judges. We are not the Anti-corruption squad. Neither are we the FBI to take situations on our own. We are the Elite Police backed Armed Service Units, we handle the Nation's emergency times, the nation's critical situations. We are not really meant for a war, but we are meant for neutralizations. And neither of these gives us rights to play with law! But this doesn't mean we are not like the Defense forces or the Service units. We are equally important as the US Army or the US marines! But more the separate department to handle things both nationally and internationally!

And the Armed Service Units is most of times used to counter Cartels, Mafia, assassins, terror groups....literally anything which is a threat to any common person. And this is where things change because neither the FBI nor even by CIA can interfere in any activity of the Armed Service according to one 21st Century law. And that allows the Armed Service units to have more control over the nation's internals than anyone else! Even the Police Units can be commanded by them in situational times. And that's what makes them concealed here!

We don't know where they might be hiding their traces of organized crimes. We don't know from where they bring troopers to fight! And most profit the only reason our high command has internal politics and organized crimes?

And now a much mature question – "How will we trace them?"

Because from now, the deserters will be very cautious. And with addition of Sandman in my team....they will be surely in an over cautious move. And having their hideouts all over in United States.......How are we going to conduct raids? I mean this is going to be absolutely an insane ideology from the current point here to actually go to war against an organized crime group who is also a part of our High command! Someone! We need one person who can show us a much clear trace! Wait......General Bassett? Kate's Elder sister and General Sam's wife? And how will she help us here? Well......

As I had just made a call to her to talk about the same, before I said anything, the first line I heard was – "Oh, Lieutenant General Frequency. Pretty rare to see you in my contact. Well, everything fine with my Sister I guess? Not to forget but now you actually are a part of the Bassett family too." To which I had an answer ready for this unexpected question – "Proud to be a part of the Bassett family, much appreciations for my acceptance. Kate's just as always the high point of sparking! More like a cute spark...." A pretty unconventional humor to present Kate's low patience level, General Bassett did laugh as she said – "Great to hear that you are understanding her. Well, surely this call wasn't made for this humor I guess? Any reason for this call?"

As I came straightforward to my point, I know it was going to be a shock factor to the decision as I said – "My objective might be pretty clear for my termed service in Armed Service Units. And so is my action relating to it. By favor, not by intels but is it possible for you to drag our objective targets from Western and Southern States to the Eastern States, more like in our ground. This is a move currently possible planned been in sanity." As she directly charged up with anger as she did try to control it in her voice as she said – "An internal war in the department of National affairs......and is it expected to set the whole nation in arms for just a conclusion of providing justice? Do you even know about your move here? You are taking one internal case directly to a threat of a nation. We will be shattered in International Politics. And surely it would be impossible for our President to permit this move. And you move in sanity is more of a move in insanity, can you realize it? Dragging them to Eastern States......and what's your plan for that Lieutenant General?"

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