Chapter 21 - In gears of 'pacifism'

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Reaching all the way back to our Washington D.C and from there an armed Air escort back to our city. Meeting up with General Bassett who had many questions regarding what all went down in Chiba, Tokyo. Seeing Cristina and Jason back again was sure a happy moment for me as both of them now had returned better than ever.....Introducing the Yakuza lieutenant to everyone and carrying up an official order of high alert nationwide. General Bassett was curious about my moves as she sure had a thought that I had something planned up in my mind. As we all directly went back to our Elite Police Department and from there I registered these 4 of Yakuza Lieutenants as our official troopers now who will be serving besides in close combat situations. This was a new addition we had made in our squad. Meanwhile now it was time for a the so called 'Pink-Rebel' which was just a common creative name I found thinking while talking to the 'Rounder' on the phone. Well, whatever now let's just get over this!

Placing the whole nation of high alert by all of Enforcement units with all of Enforcement Squads and Departments deployed on field yet making the whole scenario look like a normal day for citizens. I did had a plan and if this plan will go down in history as one of the smoothest pranks in all of histories! The plan was as simple as making all of mass media and news platforms flash "1-0" in a dark cover tone similar to our combat uniform on their slides and give a message symbol of Armed Service Units and U.N.S.C.

Now this was a pretty different make all of nations follow this trend was going to be tough and so U.S Prez would have more or less refused this plan.....But he did accept this time at least ensuring to try his best. Calling it up as a tactical move against world terror and ensuring a political neutrality behind this move......most of major nations took this initiative which was powerful enough to convey the message! THIS IS WHERE WE BEGIN THE WAR! All of the nations will flash this news RIGHT ON 19:10 G.M.T making it present as a high priority news! Euro and Asian Nations who have a capability to make use of their world famous attractions to convey international basis supporting presentation like a Mega projector screening on Swiss Alps and same for South Korea's Tech Skyscrapers.......those nations agreed to this political move of flashing the message of "1-0"

Things were just getting more and more easy for us now meanwhile everyone else was still in doubt about this move of mine! I knew that if this move will work in a long run! Now all I had to await was the few hours before 1900 hours because all of us were all then night awake at the department office eventually establishing a contact for Armed Service Units toward all of Nation's dispatches! Even though this is a action necessary to be done in perimeter of any of Armed Service Units....well we are just making a little difference here though! Sure this one move was going to be one of the most sick epic move in all of histories here! And I was too very excited for this move! Just needed to kill a little more time.....and make sure I don't fall asleep while the talks.

Waiting and waiting and waiting.....finally the time came. I made the call as whole of the department went silent focusing on every word of the call as it was put on recording and tracing. And then finally the moment came up –

Anonymous Voice – Just as promised....He's here.

Me – Mr. Bassett can you hear me?

Mr. Bassett – Loud and clear, kid. Everything fine?

Me – What? Please Repeat (*I missed half of the hearing due to damaged ears)

Mr. Bassett – I just asked if everything's fine on your side. And how's Kate and everyone?

Me – My apologies. My ears were little damaged due to one of training sessions on Japan. Now whatever you'll hear ahead is the truth of your life!

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