Chapter 8 - Their Chivalry.....

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One way to find out! Plan works out! I had my aim on the machine gunner post. Other 3 advanced ahead and took cover ready for fire in action. The moment the Yakuza realized that it was a trap, it was too late as they tried to return back to fire....blood was spill! The machine gunner at whom I had my aim, the hit went through his head...meanwhile others were killed too! I might not have been more like a character from an action movie, but this move was way more intelligent than an action movie! As we advanced ahead to our last point, we finally found the guy we had met this morning....Shinji Tereda, the family head of Yakuza family of Osaka. He was in our sights. 2 options present for that guy. Drop his sword and surrender to us.....or taste the lead! He tried to attack me with his sword....this wasn't wooden, it was a sharp steel one. I took him down by his legs, and disarmed him with my one fine hand. Even though my left shoulder was paining.....that disarm was something which gave me a confirmation that we have still a long way to go! Shinji Tereda, The head of Yakuza Family of Osaka was under arrest now!

The threat .....It was neutralized. There were no survivors out of the guards who tried to defend the line, it was a massacre! We had them in a surprise, we got them in a surprise! I fell on my knees, as I realized that we had finally made through a hell, my left shoulder had sustained a couple of hits which could have been lethal for me. I also remembered.....there was a promise I had made with someone, I fulfilled that too! On the radio intercept, I said – "Ladies and Gentlemen. Shinji is under arrest. I repeat, Osaka Castle is neutralized...Get me a medical assistance here please, my shoulder is half gone here!"

The noises of cheers and happiness were heard right from the ground to this top floor. What a victory....for real! A shattered shoulder for a shattering victory! The medical assistance.....I had expected a medical assistance, the one which came...that was way better than a medical assistance I had expected! Kate came rushing all the floors and dashed onto embracing me....a pretty unexpected medical assistance, but way more better one as I had said! As she hugged me, she was crying as she said – "Even though we heard your screams and voices on the radio.....You didn't broke my promise....! You had put me scaring the moment I had to leave your side here! But this time once did it man! You rock, Frequency. You rock! I love you and always want to be on your side, so did you didn't break our promise.... You owe me a date now!"

Kate.....her words were enough to heal my wounds I guess....not practically! Looking that smile on Kate's face, what's more needed to me! As I asked Kate about our teammate who was injured, she said that he's doing fine now! Did we just pass through a hell with close deaths once again.....and then I found this moment of joy? Life is strange to first pass through hell for these moments of joy! But been on Kate's side forever, that's more than just a blessing and a promise! Emotions were high? I would say it was the power of love and trust as we had made through the hell!

That day, the Castle was nothing more than Blood Lake. There were more than 150 Yakuza casualties. No one survived the slaughter except their so called "Family Head". A lots of blood was spilled that night. A lots of hearts might have been broken that night. We never knew how many of those fallen had families waiting for them even though they knew they served in Yakuza.....In this world of kill or be killed, when emotions obstruct a slaughter....the slaughter turns onto you! Emotions might be high, so was the cost. Sometimes, defying this past is the only solution to overcome it. Because at the end of the day, until the world understands the meaning of peace, weapons will be fired and blood will be spilled. To stop that, even more blood will be spilled but some fine day....these weapons will bow down in front of a peaceful world! May that day be soon ahead....but until that day, our finger will be on the trigger to make sure the innocents reach home without any threat....we, the elites with sins! History was made once again as the Osaka Castle was finally outrun after centuries....something which yesterday stood as symbol of endurance now stands as message of strength of law? Sure things are crazy in this crazy world!

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