Chapter 9 - Fireworks (Special Chapter)

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But if we do make a way out, it will become one of the biggest raid in all of history breaking records of FBI's 93s "Waco Siege Raid" and MOSSAD's "Operation Thunderbolt" or even advancing beyond GSG-9s "Era of Dark Knights".......history is witness of what had happened when People annoy the law and the Elite Police enter the field! This raid had its extreme consequences, either going down in history forever marking "Martyrs to law", or changing the history of the world.....forever! Whatever was going to be the's worth taking risks when you are a shadow in the dark!

Formation of vehicles still smooth, until command came from Tokyo's Department – "We have an intel report. Sapporo's S.A.T Department Facility received a breaching explosion. KIAs reported. I repeat, Sapporo's S.A.T Department Facility has received a breaching explosion. KIAs Reported. S.A.T in Sapporo is outrun. All units, change the landing point. All units, change the landing point."

Shock.....utter shock to first of all hear that the S.A.T Department's Facility is on fire, it had sustained an explosion......a direct attack? Never in history the Yakuza had ever attacked even the police, this time directly going against the S.A.T? Something is not right here. Either our point of Officer Sato been a Double Agent was right.......or Japan just misunderstood the reigns of Yakuza. A Secondary landing point was decided. Reaching the point in cover now was necessary. Because by intel report from Tokyo's S.A.T, Few of Sapporo's officers were waiting for us. The only way out to have a lead in Sapporo is meeting up with them in the safest way possible.

Panicking in this situation was going to lead us to death....straight to death. This thing just collapsed before it even started....damn! Strategically, we escaped from routes under radar, we met up a Small placement in the Sapporo region, where most of buildings were of pretty old design and others were all connected in a row not more than few floors, more like Japanese cities of 80s.

We all  at the moment were a team of nearly 80 Elite Police operators in which 4 were of United States Elite Police Department and all others of Japanese S.A.T, led by a single person which was me backed by 3 S.A.T officers who were the executives of their Prefecture based departments – Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka. 80 personalities in total right here ready to die were going to face a well-fortified fortress castle of Sapporo, Northern Japan under reigns of Yakuza who were nearly far outnumbering us with 1500 Troopers, all armed and all trained! It was a straightway to death here if even a single mistake was made! Yet there was one hope we had! J.G.S.D.F, Japanese Special Forces who were ready to provide assistance to us....having them in this assault was vital.....too very vital to just tell in words here if we wanted to return back alive! Also to note, Yakuza even though might have been afraid of Police in all of these decades, this bold move by them indicated something pretty lethal to us! Things were so sketchy till now......

There was only one song going on in my was actually a song relating history, about JW GROM, Poland's Elite Police. A Nation which has sustained 0 terror attacks till today with not even a single intel failure! Surprising yet JW GROM is Poland's pride keeping it unhindered! The song was like -
"Come killer angels, head for the life

Prepare for a venomous bite!

They are always the first to fight!

This is unconventional warfare step out of the light!

Heroes of our time! They are always the first to fight!"

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