Chapter 15 - A Burning Soul (Special Chapter)

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The panic heard from the microphone......the explosion of the breaching charge......the counter fire convicts......the escape of the missed shot......right throughout the heart......ending 2 innocent lives.......on its blood spill......didn't just die the innocents......died my sanity...

And as I woke up in an instance from the nightmare......I just thought it just as the worst dream possible. Too soon I realized that it wasn't a dream as I saw my jacket and my badge had stains of innocent blood. Breaking into tears, I rose up and got myself preparing to go back to the department building, with 5AM in the clock nearly. Prepared to leave, I still took the same blood stained jacket and the badge. Walking down my Apartment, I saw few of my department officers were waiting down for me. A small talk about the situation ahead as we drove back to the Department building. When I entered, it was an all silence in the department with everyone there. I didn't feel any kind of gut feeling to walk back alone to my home after all of the horror had happened......neither I had anyone restricted to not do so. And none of them had any kind of such thinking as everyone awaited further orders by me. As I requested all of officers and troopers to take a leave for the day. I wasn't alone in the office as Kate and others of my assault team still decided to say with me. Yes I was shocked to my core.

But right now, the person who was totally broken down by this same shock was needed a little of help to normalize himself because 'Sandman' was right there with us with his face of service trying its best to defy the feelings of guilt. As we all tried to comfort 'Sandman' there for a moment with even General Sam there with us. Surely it was a tough time for him alone all till here, but what lies ahead will be purely an executive decision. As I just went back to my own office, I made a very important call to a personality I was going to ask a little favor for.....

General Kaufmann - "First Lieutenant General Kaufmann Speaking."

Me - "Grenz-Schutz-Gruppe-9 Bundespolezie. First Lieutenant Erich "Joey" Kaufmann. A Very Good Morning to call out."

General Kaufman - "The 'ENGI' if I am not wrong. Great to have your call directly to us. So, how can we be helpful to you today?"

Me - "Need a small favor by you. Need you to fully train 2 of my Associates of Special Forces in my assault team under your supervision through the G.S.G-9 along with graduating honors. Possible?"

General Kaufmann - "Affirmative. I'll be waiting for the applications. German Authority will pay for expenses of stay and travel as a token on gratitude towards their training and Service with us. We are glad to acknowledge to be helpful to a young blood rising as a legacy. Will be waiting to serve besides you one day!"

Me - "Not actually in a great situation here today. Some fine day looking forward to serve with your legacy. Guten Tag (*Good day)"

And this one talk was going to be a new ground of service for 2 of my personalities of my assault team........Burden of my command, but right now if I want to Keep 'Sandman' out of controversial and political uprising, this is the only way I can save him. And when been graduated as an Elite Police trooper from G.S.G-9 ........

He'll never miss another shot in his life time of service.

And who is the 2nd person going along with 'Sandman'? Well, I guess there's no one else than Cristina? Some might say that I am taking this decision with priority to emotions. This is for them because not ever of time you can totally rely on a single feeling for a decision. A decision needs to be took with emphasis to both Practicality and mentality of the subject. And I guess for now, there's no regret in my decision if it's for the best of both 'Sandman' And Cristina.....a cute couple in my terms! The actual reason to keep Cristina with 'Sandman' under this training is that firstly their feelings....and secondly, I want a 'Sandman' who has a hope to live than a Jason who's down there shocked to his core.

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