Chapter 24

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After the impact, the whole car burst into tremendous flames. I got out quickly but Tessa was laying unconscious in the passenger seat. She was weak before I put her there, and now....

She could die. It would end a lot of problems for us. No more Coltrane's to deal with. But nonetheless, she's one of us. And that thinking is what made me dive back into the burning car to desperately save her from the wreckage.

I dragged her out and away from the billowing smoke intoxicating the air. I put my fingers on her neck, trying to find a heartbeat.

Five seconds went by.

I felt nothing.

I was about to leave her but I felt a tiny pulse.

So small, I barely knew it was there.

She was alive but only just.

I could hear my men yelling from the cars as they pulled up.

My best friends lent over Tessa and I, as I felt myself slip into the unconsciousness that surrounded me.


2 months later


Nico and I were on our way back to the in-home infirmary. It had been two months since the fatal "accident" and Tessa had still not awoken.

It's like she's in some magical coma, destined to never wake.

I woke up in the infirmary a few hours after the accident. I was fine, no side affects. Nothing. Tessa on the other hand...

We had caught who did it shortly after the crash. Alexander Ivanov. He was the nephew of the leader of the Russian Mafia; one of our biggest competitors. Mikhail Petrov, the leader, had stolen some of our shipments prior to Tessa arriving.

It was not a coincidence that Giovanni was sent to her house by the Russians. We had no idea it was Coltrane residence still, but clearly the Russians did.

As Nico and I walked in, we noticed no change in her state.

She was still laying with a soft expression on her face and her hands together on her stomach.

"Can you go ask the nurse for more information?" I asked Nico.

Keyword: asked.

Normally I just order people around, but in my friend group we treat each other like brothers. That and the fact that Nico is still a kid. I'm not as harsh on him as everyone else. Nico was left on the streets as a teenager, my family picked him up and he had to live this life.

He had no choice, it was either the mafia or back to the streets. He made what he thought was the right choice. Boy was he wrong.

"Sure." He walked out of the room and I turned my gaze back to the girl laying before me.

I studied her more than I did before.

I could see some marks and a big scar on her stomach peeking through her shirt. She had another on her thigh which i could see more clearly. When Gio cleaned her up, he said she had scars on her back but the would fade with time.

The ones on her back were not permanent, they were more marks than scars. The two I could see though, would be there for life.

She had a soft face and her hair fell perfectly around it, framing it like an artwork.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

She's just a stupid girl.

I did a double-take as I saw her hands tremor.

Her eyes began to flutter open as she looked at me confused.

"Who are you?"



Sorry for the terrible chapter.

I just finished the s8 final of vampire diaries and it broke me. i put in some little easter eggs in this chapter coz i was so distraught:

- "magical come, destined to never awake" (elena)

- the last name "Petrov" Like Katerina Petrova

"treat each other like brothers" (damon and stefan)

- "She's just a stupid girl" ("in the grand scheme of things, she's not even that special.)

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