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I am not going to lie. I totally forgot about writing this book.

Sorry for anyone who is still reading this.

Lets get into it.

Tessa's Pov:

Giovanni had showed me the entire "house".

He was mega rich.

It was a mansion.

He showed me into the kitchen with his hand pressed against my back.

He was gentle yet rough.

Shit Tessa. You sound like you are in love with him. Never in a million years alright.

"This is our cook, Rosa." Giovanni gestured with his hand to an older lady stirring a bowl of sauce.

She turned around and I couldn't help but smile a little.

She looked like someone I could trust with my life; I know that sounds really weird but I had a safe feeling....well as safe as my feelings get.

She looked in her mid 40's and was short and a little plump. She had a few grey hair but the rest of her hair was brown and cut short to the shoulders.

She ran over and gathered me in an enormous bear hug.

I felt safe but I still tensed.

I saw Giovanni's jaw clench before he spoke sternly.

"Rosa. You are hurting her."

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry love. Are you alright?" She pulled away with genuine concern on her face.

I smiled and gave her a small nod.

"Well I just made some food so would you two like to sit down?" She smiled and tightened her apron.

"Sure." Giovanni sat at the table and gestured for me to sit in the chair next to him.

I sat down and before long, Rosa had placed a bowl in front of us each.

Giovanni dug in straight away but I looked at it cautiously.

"Um. Is this poisoned?" I asked quietly.

I saw Rosa's smile falter and I felt really bad.

Giovanni's Pov:

"Um. Is this poisoned?" Tessa asked in a small whisper but it was audible enough for both me and Rosa to hear.

I clenched my teeth.

Is this why she was so skinny?

Were her parents poisoning her?

I took a deep breath, I didn't want her to be scared of me.

She needed someone in her life she could trust.

"No, every meal here is safe." I answered softly and looked into her eyes.

She couldn't look me in the eyes, and instead nodded and took a small spoonful of the food.

Tessa's pov: ⚠️⚠️TW - SEXUAL ASSAULT ⚠️⚠️

It was an hour later and Giovanni had to urgently run off with business.

I would've waited with Rosa but she dashed off to make meals for the other men.

I decided I should probably make my way back to my room.

Now. Was it right or left?

I decided to go right and recognised the hallway. I had walked for a few minutes before I got shoved into a room.

A hand was clasped over my mouth so I couldn't scream.

The door clicked shut and was locked.

I looked up and realised the person was Kyle, the man who had grabbed me by my ass this morning.

I tensed and started to shiver.

I felt a gun being pressed into my back as he removed his hand and started kissing me.

I tried to push him off but the gun dug deeper into my back.

He started kissing my neck and putting his hands down my shirt as tears ran silently down my face.

He didn't go any further and I was so glad.

He lent to whisper in my ear and I squeezed my eyes shut in fear.

"You will not tell boss about this, understand? One word and I will fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for days. After that, I'll shoot your head off. I will find you when I need my pleasure."

With that, he walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.

My knees came out from under me and I fell to the ground, sobbing.


I know this is not a nice thing, but it needs to be done for character development. Trust me please.

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