Chapter 28

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As I lay outside, searching the endless ocean above me for answers, the anger inside me simmered down. The pain wasn't gone but I wouldn't allow them to have the satisfaction of breaking me. Perhaps I had the upper hand for once, you couldn't break someone who was already broken. In that sense I had won.

The stars shone on me and I thought of the millions of people staring at the same sky. Innocents. How I once wished to be one of them. But I never had the chance and I never will again. A part of me, a selfish part, enjoyed this life. The murder. The chaos. The bloodshed. It made me feel alive even though one the inside, I was dying.

Time got lost, as did I in my thoughts. Ryan saved me mere days ago. He pestered me for a while but I believe he finally got the message and hasn't talked since. He took my to his apartment where I have been staying. To say it is glorious is an understatement, and yet nothing could compare to their place.

I don't know why I linked everything back to them. Every thought. Every memory. Every star above me. Perhaps it was the shock that still hadn't left. Selene and Jasmine. They were the only friends I ever had and it seems as though a blink they were gone.

I sighed, finally using my arms to push me to my feet. They tingled with numbness but I continued to lift myself and walk back inside. The outside air made the balcony cold and I was suddenly thankful for the warmth inside.

I both wanted sleep and wanted to escape it.

I found sleep a way of escaping reality, but when my sleep is riddled with nightmares, sometimes staying awake is my way of escaping.

"Hey," I jumped at the soft whisper behind me, my hand shooting to my dagger that rested in the belt of my waist.

"I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry." Ryan raised his hands in surrender, a small smile gracing his face. His dirty brown hair was wet, insinuating that he had just gotten out of the shower.

"It's okay, I was just startled." I offered a small chuckle to show I was alright.

"I'm going to head to bed, if you need me you know where to find me," he offered with a wink. I rolled my eyes. Men.

"Thankyou for...helping me." I sounded as though I was trying to convince myself of the statement. I reached up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Looking at me, his eyes grew darker and he held my waist as if his life depended on it.

My eyes grew wide. I don't know what reaction I was expecting but it wasn't this feeling. "Fuck it," I heard him mumble before his lips crash on mine.

For a few seconds, I was too startled to move, but eventually I wove my hands into his hair and move in sync with him. I felt his hands begin to trail under my cotton shirt.

I abruptly pulled away, breathless. "I'm not ready, I-" I fumbled on my words. I couldn't. Not yet.

"Shh, it's okay I understand. I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable." He removed his hands immediately and rested his forehead on mine.

"Goodnight Orian." I whispered into the darkness that enveloped us.

"Goodnight Tessa."

I watched him retreat into the shadows until I heard his door close. I released a shaky breath and turned towards the kitchen, a place I became very familiar with.

Even in the darkness, a shimmer on a nearby table caught my eye. Upon closer inspection I saw Orian's name in golden handwriting, as though some form of invitation.

I shouldn't snoop, I tried to argue with my brain but I still picked up the card, eagerly unfolding it.


To whom it may concern,

It has come to my attention that the annual ball is to be held at my estate this year.
All families will be invited as per usual, and no weaponry will be required.
Bring a plus one.

To our newer advocates of the mafia,

This ball shall be held on the 9th of June as always, beginning at 9pm sharp. 
If you try to rebel against our usual roles, the night will end in bloodshed for you.
This is our one night a year for all the mafias to put aside our differences and join together until sunrise.

Mr Keiran Blackwell


I finished the letter with shaky hands, my appetite now gone. Unless, by some miracle, Orian actually had friends, I would be forced to go. Forced to see them. And although it was still two weeks away, anxiety replaced the last bits of anger that were in me.

This was not going to go well.

I know I take forever and I'm also sorry for a short chapter, I've been trying to reach a goal of 1000-1500 words per chapter but unfortunately this was only just over 850. If you are still reading this, thankyou so much for putting up with me :)

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